ENMU Pre-Med Major is a Second-Generation Greyhound

Eulalia Shiner
Eulalia Shiner

ENMU Pre-Med Major is a Second-Generation Greyhound

"I hope to influence others' lives in a positive way. Hopefully, the career path I eventually pursue will allow me to fulfill my purpose, which I know is to improve the lives of others," says Eulalia Shiner, a junior at Eastern New Mexico University majoring in biology with an emphasis in pre-medicine and minoring in psychology and graphic design.

The Greyhound has always had an interest in medical sciences. She explains, "I studied anatomy and physiology through high school and had my heart set on being a cardiologist. However, I also developed a growing interest in psychology. I like to study human interactions around me and learn how we influence and are influenced by one another."

Eulalia also has a passion for graphic design as her parents have grown her love for art through their careers as artists. Her mother, Sherry Shiner, is a fine artist and is currently an art instructor for distance education at ENMU. Her father, Jimmie Shiner Jr., is a musician, writer and medical scribe. During his undergraduate years at ENMU, he was the featured trombonist on ENMU's first jazz album and played in the Roswell Symphony Orchestra.

"Not surprisingly, my siblings are all artists and musicians. I am also an artist at heart, anything design related excites me, which is why I chose graphic design as a second minor. I have vacillated about career options over the years, as it has been difficult to choose one due to the interests I have in graphic arts, design, medical sciences and psychology. I hope to pursue a career in medical psychology with a holistic approach, but a career in counseling or therapy are also interesting possibilities. I would also love to have a career in interior or exterior design. The options are limitless," Eulalia says.

While she was born in Chicago, Illinois, Eulalia was raised in Portales with her three sisters and two brothers. She and her siblings were homeschooled through Chai Institute, founded by her parents.

"I chose to attend ENMU because the small campus made it easier for me to transition from a homeschool environment. I feel I would have experienced a great deal more of culture shock and anxiety if I had begun my college career at a larger campus. ENMU is also close to home, and I wanted to be the second generation of Greyhounds in my family," Eulalia states.

She was named to the Greyhound Connection Honor Roll in 2017 and the Dean's List in the spring of 2019. In previous semesters, she was an officer for ENMU Justice League, where she attended trips and participated in planning for fundraisers and volunteer work. She received an award for member of the year from the ENMU Justice League at the 2018 Student Affairs Awards Banquet. She was also a peer mentor for the TRIO SSS Program for over a year. Currently, she is employed by the Speech and Hearing Rehabilitation Outreach Center at Eastern.

Eulalia names Dr. Kris Waldo, assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice, and Dr. Omar Camarillo, assistant professor of criminal justice, as mentors who have helped while at Eastern, specifically during her first few semesters as she adjusted to campus life. She also mentions Dr. Zhihan Wang, assistant professor of chemistry, stating, "He has been a mentor to me, though he may not know it. During one of his classes last semester, he said something that stuck with me, ‘Your attitude will determine your life.' This means that no matter what goals you have in life, you cannot achieve it with a less than favorable attitude."

Health and physical exercise classes are Eulalia's favorite courses to take at ENMU. So far, she has taken "Self Defense," "Tai Chi" and "Walk/Jog."

On-campus, Eulalia spends her time in the bookshelves at the Golden Student Success Center. She says, "It is a great place to study and has everything I need to complete assignments, from the cozy environment to convenient access to coffee at Einstein's Bros."

To her fellow students interested in the field of biology with an emphasis in pre-medicine, Eulalia offers the advice: "Evaluate yourself to know what and why you picked this area of study. Most students pick premed because they want to become doctors with the ultimate goal of helping people, but get turned away because of the chemistry courses. Premed degree plans are heavily drenched in chemistry, and it is very important to grasp it, as it's the foundation for medicine."


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