The ENMU-Portales campus will close today (Friday, March 14, 2025) at 11 a.m. due to extreme wind and hazardous weather conditions.

When You Return

Welcome Home! We hope you had a productive, fun and safe term abroad. The following section addresses integrating your experiences abroad into life on campus at ENMU and beyond.

These pages will help you to navigate some important administrative processes, such as credit transfer and registration. It also provides information on how to incorporate your study abroad experience into your academic and professional careers as well as your social life.

As always, we'd love to see you. Come drop in and talk to a study abroad adviser for more support with transitioning back to ENMU life!

Re-Entry Considerations

Reverse Culture Shock

It is normal to experience Reverse Culture Shock when you return from your study abroad program. The experience is different for everyone, but there are some commonalities. It can be surprising to return home and find that this place has remained the same, but that you have changed. This can be one of the most interesting and rewarding aspects of your study abroad experience, so take the time to acknowledge this adjustment and try to learn from it. Keep in mind that reestablishing yourself in your home culture may take some time and patience.

Common Feelings

  • Inability to communicate the impact of your experience on the person you are now
  • Interest in seeking out others who have also studied abroad
  • Feeling critical of U.S. customs and behaviors
  • A desire to return to the country or community in which you were immersed


  • Organize a reunion of your study abroad peers to reminisce and reconnect;
  • Put together a scrapbook or blog of your pictures and journal entries;
  • Get involved with local international organizations;
  • Find a local language partner
  • Study abroad again!

Study Abroad Again

One of the best ways to stay involved with study abroad is to go again! The study abroad office doesn't have a policy that limits the number of programs that students can participate in, though you may want to check in with your academic advisor to ensure that you can stay on track to graduate if you're thinking of going again. Perhaps you did an exploration seminar and now you're ready for the challenge of an exchange program, or another theme within our ENMU programs intrigues you. Come and ask an advisor if you have questions.

Re-Entry Program

Upon return, from an education abroad program, International Programs will host a re-entry meeting for all returning study abroad students. This program will provide an opportunity to debrief on your experience abroad as well as share stories and photos. Additionally, there will be a representative from the career center who can provide helpful tips and suggestions on how to articulate the study abroad experience on your resume or during a job interview.