Greek Life at ENMU has been a viable and integral part of the campus community for many years. It promotes the experience of self-governance, leadership development, academic achievement, community service, social opportunities and friendship.
The Greek community at ENMU offers a unique and lifelong involvement experience for students who choose to participate. Often times, membership in a Greek organization can be your most significant college experiences.
The fraternities are governed by the Inter-Fraternal Council and the sororities are governed by the National Panhellenic Conference. Each Greek chapter host several events on campus and supports charitable causes through community service and fundraising events.
Sorority Governance
National Panhellenic Conference (NPC)
Contact: Reydecel Coss
Phone: 575.562.2108
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Promote and coordinate the interests of the sororities at ENMU and to ensure all sororities are maintaining the standard set forth by the conference.
Zeta Tau Alpha ΖΤΑ
Advisor: Leah Taylor
Phone: 575.513.4583
Email: [email protected]
Website: enmu.zetataualpha.org
Purpose: The purpose of Zeta Tau Alpha is the intensifying of friendship, the fostering of a spirit of love, the creating of such sentiments, the performing of such deeds, and the molding of such opinions as will be conducive to the building up of a purer and nobler womanhood in the world.
Chi Omega ΧΩ
Contact: Amanda Eavenson
Email: [email protected]
Website: enmu.chiomega.com
Purpose: Promote friendship, high standards of personnel, sincere learning, participating in campus activities, community service, and career development.
National page: chiomega.com
Fraternity Governance

Fraternity Council (FC)
Contact: Reydecel Coss
Phone: 575.562.2108
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Promote and coordinate the interests of the fraternities at ENMU and to ensure all fraternities are maintaining the standard set forth by the council.
Kappa Sigma ΚΣ
Email: [email protected]
Website: thetazeta.org
Purpose: Strive for excellence in fellowship, leadership, scholarship and service to produce brothers who are involved in all aspects of campus life; who excel academically as students and professionally upon graduation; who develop lifelong bonds with those around them; who support those peers; and who serve their colleges and communities.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia of America ΦMA
Contact: Dr. Sidney Shuler
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 575.562.2350
Purpose: Develop the best and truest fraternal spirit, the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students, the advancement of music in American and a loyalty to the alma mater.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE)
Contact: Benito Gonzales
Email: [email protected]
Website: sae.net
Phone: 575.562.2471
Purpose: Our goal is to give young men the community, culture, guidance, and tools they need to be a True Gentleman. This means having focused principles, strong convictions and the strength to always do the right thing—as a True Gentleman rises above his peers to be a guiding light today and tomorrow.
Greek Honor Societies

Contact: Reydecel Coss
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 575.562.2108
Purpose: The Order of Omega is an undergraduate Greek society recognizing "fraternity men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership in inter-fraternity activities."

Contact: Reydecel Coss
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 575.562.2108
Purpose: Rho Lambda is to honor those women within the sorority community who have exhibited the highest qualities of leadership and service to their Greek community and their sorority. They are women who have furthered the ideals and principles of the Greek community throughout their years of sorority affiliation.