Student Success with Accessible Training (SSWAT)

mentorship temp

Peer mentoring programs can improve your college experience and lead to career success. Besides improved career outcomes, the potential of ENMU's SSWAT mentor program include greater overall student academic achievements, increased personal growth, and expanded personal and professional networks.

Peer Success Coaches (mentors) will provide support and guidance to first year ENMU students with or without disabilities who have volunteered to participate in the Accessibility Resources and Testing Center (ARTC) SSWAT program. Peer Success Coaching programs have proven to be a highly effective way to create a strong support system for students. The coaches are not only equipped to provide guidance but also to be empathetic listeners, offering a shoulder to lean on during challenging times.

Peer Success Coaches act in partnership with ENMU faculty and staff to provide universal support to students to empower them to achieve their academic, career and personal goals. The SSWAT program has been designed to offer an individualized and one-on-one approach to student success at ENMU.

One of the primary roles of Peer Success Coaches is to assist students in setting and achieving their academic and personal goals. Each student will work closely with their coach and with the ARTC to outline a roadmap to success, identifying their strengths and areas that require improvement.

Important topics where coaches provide guidance and support:

Time Management

Time management is a skill that every student needs to succeed. Coaches will help students create effective schedules, set priorities, and stay organized.

Learn more about joining the SSWAT program  Learn more about becoming a Peer Success Coach