The ENMU-Portales campus will close today (Friday, March 14, 2025) at 11 a.m. due to extreme wind and hazardous weather conditions.

Student Involvement

Though each ENMU Greyhound is a student first, many students enjoy a robust life outside the classroom. The Office of Campus Life coordinates many student-oriented activities at ENMU including ASAB, student organizations, Greek life, leadership opportunities and more. Multicultural Affairs provides many opportunities that will help you embrace other cultures as well as your own. When you get involved on campus at ENMU, you find yourself connecting you with students, advisors and community members who share your common interests. Not to mention many of the students in the student organizations you get involved with will probably be in your classes or will have taken them before.

Opportunities to Get Involved

Browse through our ever-growing list of activities and organizations; we aim to make finding your niche as easy as possible. With more than 60 student organizations, you can probably find, no matter what your interest – whether it's academic, recreational or social – others at ENMU that share your passion. You can also check out fraternity and sorority opportunities, learn more about our multicultural activities, and even catch a glimpse of how you can be a "voice of the students" for the more politically-minded.

Campus Life MyENMU Portal Community

We are still developing resources for current students in the Campus Life portal community which will contain important documents, applications and information for current students. For instance, each year, ENMU Campus Life gives awards for standout activities and organization members or advisors who have made a positive impact on ENMU. You can find the Leadership Awards Nomination Packet, student organization application materials and more in the portal community.

Leadership Awards Nomination Packet Campus Life Portal Community

For More Information

Office of Campus Life
ENMU Station 39
1500 S Ave K
Portales, NM 88130
Phone: 575.562.2108
FAX: 575.562.4321
Location: Campus Union (CUB), Room 104