Courses and Classes

Customize your education at ENMU. Choose from classes on campus or online. Browse the class schedule below:

Current Semester

Looking for Classes to Take Next Semester?

You can also browse the complete class schedule by semester.

If you have questions about registering for classes, contact your assigned advisor or the Advising Center at 575.562.2338 if you have not been assigned an advisor.

Must-Read Registration Information

Before you register for classes at ENMU, there is information that will be helpful as you navigate the class schedule and get through all the details that come with starting classes every semester at ENMU.

Important Course Information

The Office of Academic Services prepares a document full of important information including instructions for how to register online and how to make payment arrangements. There is also general information about things like financial aid, FERPA, specific course fees and other details you need to know before you register for classes. The "Course Information" documents for each semester cover all these things (and more!).

Before you register for classes, review your semester's specific document available below. These items are also available on the Student Resources page in the MyENMU Portal.

Fall 2024 Course Information  Spring 2025 Course Information

Online Courses Key

If you browse through the schedule using the links above, there are letters in the section number area for each course. See below to see what those letters mean. Keep in mind if you're looking at a course that is not coded with WW or AW, you may need to be at your computer during the posted course time.

Course Formats

  • Undergraduate level courses (100/1000-200/2000 lower division, 300-400 upper division) coded with WW section numbers are asynchronous, meaning that students do not need to be in class at a particular time for a lecture and do not need to come to campus for any reason at this time.
  • Undergraduate level courses (100/1000-200/2000 lower division, 300-400 upper division) coded with AW section numbers are also asynchronous, meaning that students do not need to be in class at a particular time for a lecture and do not need to come to campus for any reason; however, these courses have lecture components that require our students watch the lectures according to a set schedule each week.
  • Undergraduate level courses (100/1000-200/2000 lower division, 300-400 upper division) coded with SW section numbers may be asynchronous or synchronous, meaning that students may need to be in attendance via webcam at their computers for some classes, but may be asynchronous for others. You will need to check with the individual instructor to determine synchronous requirements. Courses coded with SW sections have digital lecture capture and so you will have access to recorded class lectures each week for the duration of the course.
  • Graduate level courses (500) coded with SW section numbers are always synchronous. You will need to be sitting in front of your computer with high speed internet, digital webcam, and active Skype account during all appointed class times. Failure to do so will result in failure to pass the course.