The ENMU-Portales campus will close today (Friday, March 14, 2025) at 11 a.m. due to extreme wind and hazardous weather conditions.

Office of Sponsored Projects

Grants and Contracts at Eastern New Mexico University are overseen by the Office of Sponsored Projects. The office provides the University with a variety of services in the preparation and oversight of all University external grants and contracts and Internal Research or Instructional Development grants.

External Grants

The Office of Sponsored Projects assists faculty and staff in all aspects of producing a grant proposal. The office of Sponsored Projects can assist in preparing and producing proposals, including locating funding sources, formulating budgets, providing clerical assistance, obtaining administrative approval, and duplicating and mailing the final product. For each external grant proposal, the project director must submit both a Budget Approval Form and a Grant Approval Form to the sponsored projects manager. These forms can be accessed in the forms section below or by University staff and faculty through the myENMU Portal.

Internal Grants

Research: The Office of Sponsored Projects solicits internal research proposals from tenure-track faculty members with terminal degrees. The proposals are reviewed by the Research and Faculty Development Committee which is appointed by the Faculty Senate. The committee calls for proposals and recommends awards once a year. The call for proposals will appear in the Greyhound Gazette and will be sent to all eligible faculty via email.

Instructional Development: The Office of Sponsored Projects also solicits grants for instructional development. These grants provide resources and/or seed money for innovative courses, projects and programs. The proposals are reviewed by the Instructional Development Committee. The call for proposals will appear in the Greyhound Gazette and will be sent to all eligible faculty via email.

Protection of Human Subjects

All research involving humans must be approved by the Human Subjects Committee prior to being conducted. The Human Subjects Committee has been charged with the responsibility of screening all studies which employ human subjects conducted under the auspices of Eastern New Mexico University. The guidelines employed for screening are those set forth by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the ethical standards of the American Psychological Association.

View the Protection of Human Subjects Policies and Guidelines and Screening Form. These documents set forth the policies and procedures for the protection of human subjects in research, instruction, development and other activities conducted at or sponsored by Eastern New Mexico University. They also serve to implement the specific requirements of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare (45 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 46) as revised April 1, 1977.

Note: The Human Subjects Committee meets as needed, with decisions provided within one month of submission during the academic year. Proposals should be submitted to the Assistant Vice President for Research via email to [email protected].

The Human Subjects Committee Screening form may be accessed through the link below or by University staff and faculty through the myENMU Portal.

Protection of Animal Subjects

All research involving animals must be approved by the International Animal Care and Use Committee prior to being conducted. The International Animal Care and Use Committee has been charged with the responsibility of screening all studies which employ animals conducted under the auspices of Eastern New Mexico University. The guidelines employed for screening are those set forth by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, specifically, the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare.

The Application for Permission to Use Animals in Research and Teaching may be accessed through the links below or by University staff and faculty through the myENMU Portal.

Faculty In-Service

The Office of Sponsored Projects offers faculty and staff in-service sessions to enhance their skills and broaden their knowledge of writing proposals and adhering to the University's grant and contract policies and procedures.

Grant Forms

All Grant forms may also be accessed by University staff and faculty through the myENMU Portal.

Grant Information

  • Eastern New Mexico University Authorized Representative
    • Esthela Bañuelos
  • Eastern New Mexico University Fact Book
  • Eastern New Mexico University, Portales Unique Entity ID
    • SQKAJJMZ2B42
  • Eastern New Mexico University, Portales Tax ID Number
    • 856000286
  • SAM CAGE Number
    • 0PXH9; Expires 09/23/2016
  • Congressional District
    • NM 003