The ENMU-Portales campus will be closed tomorrow (Friday, January 10, 2025) in an abundance of caution due to winter weather and hazardous road conditions. Essential personnel from the Department of Public Safety and the Physical Plant will be required to show up to work at regularly scheduled times unless otherwise directed by a supervisor. Please feel free to contact the Department of Public Safety at 575.562.2393 or 575.760.2945 with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.

Crime Prevention

The ENMU Department of Public Safety (ENMU DPS) has prepared the following links as a public service to you. We have compiled some suggestions to prevent you from becoming a victim of a crime.

If You are a Victim of a Crime

When you are an ENMU student, if you are the victim of a crime while at ENMU, report it immediately to the ENMU DPS. In case of emergency, call 911. For non-emergencies, call 575.562.2392.

When you call:

  • Give your name
  • The location you are calling from
  • A brief description of what occurred
  • And whether the person who committed the crime is still in the area.

Prompt reporting and specific information will increase the chances of solving your case. An ENMU police officer will be dispatched to meet with you and obtain all of the necessary information.

IF evidence from the crime is still intact, please do not move or destroy it. This is especially important in sexual assault cases. Note: Showering, changing clothes, or grooming can destroy vital evidence.

Many students worry about reporting crimes to the police because they do no want to testify in a trial. Victims are nevertheless encouraged to contact ENMU DPS so they can be made aware of other services (counseling services, medical treatment, etc.) that might lessen the trauma of the incident. If victims do not wish to pursue criminal charges, their wishes will be respected.

If you are an ENMU students and you are a victim of a crime you may also pursue recourse through the ENMU Student Judicial System. While this is not a substitute for the criminal justice system, it affords you the opportunity to have your side heard in a less formal environment.

If an accused student is found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct, he or she may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from ENMU. Both the victim and accused will be afforded the same opportunities within the student judicial process, and both shall be informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceedings alleging sexual assault.

If you need more information or have questions, please call the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at 575.562.2221. You can also get more information in the ENMU Student Handbook or through the ENMU DPS

Tips to Prevent Crime

Mark or engrave all valuables (including textbooks), and keep a record of these in a safe place. Include their make, model, and serial numbers whenever possible.

When you are an ENMU Student, if there are any problems with your room that may affect security (such as doors that don't lock well or windows that open easily), let your RA or housing director.

If you live on campus, you should register your bicycle with the ENMU DPS and always secure it to a bike rack on campus with a quality lock.

Lock the doors and windows to your room and your vehicle every time you leave. Do not leave valuables where they can be easily seen by someone passing by, even if it is just for a few minutes.

Always be aware of your surroundings and of any strangers near you. If someone is acting suspiciously, move away toward large groups and well-lit areas.

Don't leave valuables unattended in unlocked lockers, study areas, or classrooms.

Alcohol and drug use can reduce your ability to recognize a dangerous situation and your ability to defend yourself. If you are going to drink alcohol, do it legally, responsibly, in a safe place, and with people you trust.

Counseling, Sexual Assault and Student Health

Eastern New Mexico University offers counseling services free of charge to students at Counseling and Career Services. Our counselors are well-trained professionals and can help students with a wide range of problems.

As an ENMU student, if you wish to seek counseling services off campus, ENMU DPS has contact information available for off-campus options. ENMU DPS can also put you in touch with the SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner), Shelter, Victims' Assistance, the Counseling Center, and numerous other public and private counseling services.

Many of these are free of charge or are offered on a sliding fee scale.

Sexual Assault and Misconduct, Policy Development and Victim Assistance

If you have concerns or need specific information, call the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs or ENMU DPS.

ENMU works specifically toward the goal of reducing the incidence of sexual crimes and providing better services for those victimized.

Special assistance for victims in changing academic and living arrangements is available through the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Additional services exist throughout the community to deal with special problems. As an ENMU student, you can contact the ENMU DPS with your needs for referral to the appropriate people or organizations.

The issue of sexual assault and other sexual misconduct is at the forefront in universities nationwide. ENMU has a specific policy prohibiting sexual misconduct and will assist victims in seeking counseling (available through the Counseling Center Services or several off-campus organizations), obtaining medical treatment (available through La Casa ENMU Student Health Services and Mental Health Resources, as well as some private physicians), changing room assignments, making academic changes, and in any other way possible, including criminal prosecution through the District Attorney's Office (if the victim so desires).

Students, faculty and staff, and visitors are reminded they can contact ENMU DPS for assistance at any time, and do not have to file an official police report in order to be helped. If a report is filed with the ENMU DPS, it will be fully investigated with the findings being referred to the District Attorney's Office for prosecutorial decisions.

Off-Campus Crime

Crime occurring off campus involving students or chartered ENMU organizations is reported to and handled by the Portales Police Department, the Roosevelt County Sheriff's Department, or other appropriate law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction. While ENMU DPS assists the other agencies when asked pursuant to mutual aid agreements, the reporting and tracking of crime is done by the agency of primary jurisdiction. Anyone wanting specific information on off-campus crime should contact the appropriate agency(s).

Please help us in deterring any crime on our campus by promptly calling ENMU DPS at 575.562.2392 or 911 (in case of emergencies)

Resources and Contact Information

Alcohol Awareness Tips

Drunk Driving

  • Young drivers are over-represented in both alcohol and non-alcohol-related fatality rates. Alcohol-related fatality rates are nearly twice as great for 18, 19, and 20-year olds as for the population over 21.
  • More than 40 percent of 18-, 19-, and 20-years old crash fatalities are alcohol-related.
  • A young person dies in an alcohol-related traffic crash an average of once every three hours a day.

Designated Driver

A Designated Driver is a person who agrees not to drink any alcoholic beverages and to safely transport the other group members home. If it's a large group, more than one Designated Driver may be needed. Designated Drivers should not drink any alcoholic beverages and are therefore never the person least drunk. Designated Drivers are also important if someone is taking medication that makes them drowsy or otherwise impaired and not fit to drive.

Does Everybody Do It?—All Students

  • Four out of ten college freshmen don't drink.
  • Most college students drink moderately or not at all.

How Much Is Too Much?

Sometimes people wonder: Do I drink too much? Am I in control of my drinking? Am I setting myself up for drinking-related problems? The following questions are designed to help you identify drinking habits that may cause problems for you. Answer honestly; no one but you will know the score.

  1. Have you cut afternoon classes so you can party?
  2. Have you missed morning classes because of a hangover?
  3. Have you done poorly on an exam because you drank too much the night before?
  4. When drinking, have you ever done something for which you were later sorry or embarrassed?
  5. Have you ever "blacked out" while drinking (not been able to remember things you said or did)?
  6. Do you frequently drink until you are drunk? Do you drink to get drunk?
  7. Do you choose friends on the basis of how much they drink?
  8. Have you ever had problems with friends, family, roommates, boy/girlfriend, college authorities, or the law as the result of drinking?
  9. Is drinking affection your reputation?
  10. Does it bother you when other people say you drink too much?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, stop and think for a moment. You may be doing yourself some harm. Maybe it's time to talk to someone, get some information. People at the student health or counseling center will be happy to give you confidential information.

A good rule of thumb to keep in mind: "What causes a problem is a problem."

Top Ten Ways To Turn Down A Drink

One of these should work for you, whether you're shy, confident, or just looking to be really cool!

"Thanks, but no thanks!"
"I've had enough."
"Thanks, but I've got a ton of work to do later."
"I'd rather get my own, thanks."
"Not for me, I have to work tomorrow morning."
"I'm driving tonight."
"I have a game/practice tomorrow."
"I'm O.K. for now, maybe later."
"No thanks, I'm taking medication."
"I'm dieting ... alcohol's got too many calories."

Saying No With A Different Twist

With an invitation ...

Leave the door open for the future.
"Not now, but maybe later"
"Another time"

With a pretend friend ...
"Sorry, I promised someone else that honor."

With an attitude ...
"You know what your problem is? You think too much about others. Can I get you another drink?"

Have a quick one liner, like ...
"No thanks, I'm still a little partied out from the last party."
"Sorry, I am getting ready to leave out of here."
"No thank you, I'm allergic to alcohol and it's not a pretty picture."

Handling A Medical Emergency

Here's a checklist to remember when you party and encounter someone who is semi-conscious or unconscious:

Danger Signs

  1. Try to wake the person. Are they unconscious? Does he or she respond to pinching of the skin or shouting their name?
  2. Check their skin color and temperature. If the person is pale or bluish, or if the skin is cold or clammy, he or she may not be getting enough oxygen.
  3. Check their breathing. If he or she is breathing irregularly, with a few breaths and then nothing for a while, or if he or she are breathing very slowly or shallowly, this is a sign that medical attention is necessary.

What To Do

  1. Seek emergency medical help if your friend shows any of the above signs.
  2. Turn the person on their side and leave them only if necessary to call for medical assistance. If the person is on his or her side they may not choke if they get sick and vomit. Don't let them roll over onto their back.

What Not To Do

  1. Don't assume your semi-conscious or unconscious friend will be O.K. sleeping it off.
  2. Don't let fear about how your friend may respond tomorrow prevent you from acting and getting help when they need it. It may be the greatest thing you could ever do in the name of friendship.
  3. The best way to handle the situation is to stop it before it happens to a friend or to yourself.

Safety Tips

You're of legal age and you plan to drink

  • Set a "Party Safe" goal for how many drinks you are going to have. Tell a friend the limit, count your drinks and stick to you goal.
  • Remember that famous expression, HALT. Don't drink if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. HALT drinking if any of those apply.
  • Don't gulp your drinks; you'll get drunk faster. Plus it doesn't look cool. Drink slowly and make it last.
  • Don't drink on an empty stomach. Always eat before you drink ... a full meal.
  • Alternate between alcohol and non-alcohol beverages.. Designer water is always a good choice.
  • Don't encourage or approve reckless and irresponsible behavior caused by intoxication.
  • Before you celebrate, designate. Take turns with friends so everyone gets to be it!
  • Remember, saying "No" is absolutely fine. Look around; you will be surprised that a lot of folks choose not to drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Remember, you are responsible for your decisions about when to drink and how much to drink. You are equally responsible for all of the consequences that may result from making poor decisions when it comes to drinking alcohol.

Physical Effects

  • Alcohol promotes water loss.
  • Water loss caused by alcohol consumption involves the additional loss of important mineral such as magnesium, potassium, calcium and zinc. That means you will be less coordinated and your muscles will not work as well.
  • Alcohol will raise your blood pressure.
  • The consumption of alcohol result in becoming exhausted quicker when you exercise.
  • Almost one third of students reported that one or more times they performed poorly in practice or a game due to drinking
  • Alcohol disrupts your sleep patterns.
  • Athletes like strong muscles and alcohol screws up the release of those important growth hormones.
  • Alcohol is bad for your memory and makes it harder to remember


  • Think before you drink. Alcohol may not always affect you in the same way. If you are upset, stressed out, tired or angry, alcohol may have a stronger impact than it might normally have.
  • What is your mood as you get ready to go to a party? If you are feeling OK, it's a much safer time to drink. Drinking when you're bummed out is an escape and could even be an indicator of problem drinking.
  • Ask yourself how drinking will affect your body tonight. If you're a woman there are additional things to consider time of the month, whether you are using oral contraceptives. All of this can play a role in how alcohol will affect you.

How Does Intoxication Occur?

Almost all of the alcohol consumed is metabolized by the liver at a rate of about one half ounce of pure ethyl alcohol per hours (about the amount contained in one drink). This rate will vary from person at which it is metabolized. You're probably going to find yourself starting to feel the effects of drinking too much to quickly. Alcohol continues to circulate through all parts of the body until the liver has had enough time to work. That tipsy feeling occurs because the brain is the organ most affected by the alcohol you consume.

The Real Buzz

  • Most of you don't drink excessively when you "party."
  • Most of you disapprove of drunkenness, which interferes with other responsibilities and others' rights.
  • Most students don't drink so much that they cause physical harm to themselves or others.
  • On campuses where excessive drinking is more common, the vast majority of college students have experienced one or more problems as a result of their buddies' abusive drinking behavior. These problems include all assault, sexual harassment and loss of sleep and study time.


Always make and measure your own mixed drinks in order to control what type of alcohol—and how much alcohol—you are drinking. This way you are responsible for what's in your drink. Drinking games, slammers, punches or weird concoctions are not the way to go; you just can't control what you're going to get. There are some folks out there putting some pretty funky stuff in drinks these days, so watch out and know who mixed you what.

Prescription Drugs

  • Many prescription drugs are definitely not to be mixed with alcohol. Make sure you've checked this out. Also, many over-the-counter cold and flu medications should not be mixed with alcohol. Women also are likely to be more susceptible to the effects of alcohol when taking birth control pills or other medications containing estrogen.
  • Think twice before taking aspirin or other headache remedies before you drink to prevent a hangover. Studies show that men's BAC after taking aspirin can be 40 to 100 percent higher than for the same amount of alcohol without aspirin. These higher BAC levels last for nearly 90 minutes after the drink. (no work yet on whether the same thin happens to women.) the reason is that aspirin in the stomach suppresses the enzyme that helps the body break down alcohol before it gets into the blood. Similar results have been seen with acetaminophen, the pain-killing ingredient in Tylenol and other over-the-counter medications.
  • In both men and women, alcohol exaggerates the effects of antihistamines, which are a key ingredient in many over-the –counter cold, flu and allergy remedies. The combination of alcohol and antihistamines can cause severe central nervous system depression. Things get even more complicated when the flu/cold/allergy remedies contain aspirin or acetaminophen (the pain-killing ingredient in Tylenol). That's because these painkillers can increase you BAC, which means an ever greater risk of the alcohol exaggerating the effect of the antihistamines.


  • Some people don't realize that alcohol is an irritant as well as a sedative. In excessive doses it can do quite a number on your digestive system. The bottom line is that you're more likely to get nauseous drinking on an empty stomach than on a full stomach.
  • Alcohol can irritate the lining of your stomach enough to produce nausea or vomiting. The problem is the pyloric valve, which regulates the passage of the stomach's contents into the small intestine. It's sensitive to the presence of alcohol. A large concentration of alcohol can cause the pyloric valve to spasm, or get "stuck" in the closed position temporarily. This will keep the alcohol from passing from the stomach to the small intestine and result in nausea and sometimes vomiting.

Food Effects

  • Don't drink on an empty stomach. Always eat before you drink, a full meal if possible. Because food delays the passage of alcohol into the small intestine, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream more slowly when there is food in the stomach. Substantial food will work better than, say, a tossed green salad. Take advantage of that meal plan. The food may not be the greatest, but it's one place you can get a balanced, full meal.
  • The chances are the foods available at the party will be pretty salty. If you get really thirsty, a non-alcohol drink like soda or juice might quench you thirst better than one with alcohol. Remember, alternation alcohol will a non-alcohol drink works really well.
  • When drinking at a party, try snacking on foods that are low in salt, like bread sticks or cheese and crackers.
  • Remember that a 1.5 oz. shot of liquor, a 5 oz. glass of wine, and a 12 oz. can of beer all contain about the same amount of alcohol and, assuming you drink them in the same time period, all will have a similar effect.

Sobering Up

  • Remember this: All the ways you've heard to sober up fast are bogus. It's a matter of time ... and only time. Not coffee, not exercise, not even a cold shower will accelerate the process. They'll only make you a wide-awake, wet drunk. There just isn't any way to speed up the sobering-up process.
  • Sobering up takes time! That magnificent liver of yours can only metabolize about half an ounce of pure ethyl alcohol per hour, which is roughly the same as ONE DRINK per hour. Three drinks – three hours. The time it takes to sober up may vary among people depending on age, weight, gender, health, tolerance and lots of other things, but the end result is the same; there's no way to sober up quickly.


  • In spite of all your useless efforts to sober up last night, you have a wicked hangover. If you drink too much, there is a good chance you are going to suffer the effects of the "morning after the night before."
  • There are a lot of theories about why hangovers occur, but there is no simple explanation ... so here are some of the not-so-simple ones. An accumulation of acetaldehyde ... dehydration of the tissues ... depletion of important enzyme systems needed to maintain routine functioning ... metabolism of different types of alcohol beverages. There are also these things called "congeners," which are the natural by-products of the fermentation and preparation of alcohol beverages. Congeners are responsible for the different smells, tastes, and colors of alcohol beverages. Many believe that the reactions different people have to these congeners might have something to do with the potential hangover effect.

Stay Active When You Party

Keep active at a party. Don't just sit and drink all night. If you keep active, you will probably drink less and pace your drinking. This will help keep you at a safe and moderate level. And monitor your own drink. If you put it down to go do something, don't pick it up again. Who knows what's in it now?


  • Wear a watch—and stop drinking at least one hour before you leave a party, longer if you've been drinking heavily. Remember that your blood alcohol level continues to rise for 20 to 40 minutes after you've had your last drink, as alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstreams.
  • Set a time when you will leave the party. County your drinks and pace yourself: make sure you leave sober. Stop drinking at least an hour before the time you have set to leave. Stay with your plan.
  • If you drink faster, if you drink longer, and if you drink stuff that would peel the polish off a fender watch out! The faster the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, the greater the impairment. This is where you're going to run into problems with that aberrant part of college culture: drinking games. Per hour, the liver can only metabolize about the amount of alcohol contained in one drink, one beer, or one glass of wine. This rate varies among individuals.
  • Here's a tip: Remember the word HALT. Don't drink if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Your body and your mind are much more susceptible to the effects of alcohol when you are in these states.
  • You'll need rest and time for recovery. For most college students, rest and time are two things not often in your daily schedule. A lot of students who drink too much and wake up with hangovers end up suffering academically ... skipping classes, blowing off assignments and ultimately winding up with poor grades.
  • And if you don't have a hangover after a night of excessive drinking, you may exhibit risk factors that suggest a very serious problem.

Sexual Assault Facts and Myths

Sexual assault is a crime of violence, not sexual passion. It is meant to degrade, humiliate and control. The attacker can be a stranger or someone known and trusted. It can happen to anyone, at any time, at any place. The trauma of being assaulted is a shock from which many victims never fully recover.

No matter which form it takes, sexual assault is as much a problem today as it has been throughout history. While those most at risk are people between the ages of 10 and 29, it can happen to anyone at any age.

There is no portrait of a "typical" rapist. These men (in most cases), like their victims, are all ages and come from all racial and social backgrounds. They can be college students, married, doctors, teachers, or unemployed transients. Most are not crazy or deranged people looking for sex. In fact the majority of offenders are highly intelligent, married with families and have ready access to consensual sex; but they rape to control, dominate and humiliate the victim.


  • Sexual assault continues to represent the most rapidly growing violent crime in America
  • Over 700,000 women are sexually assaulted each year
  • It is estimated that fewer than 50% of rapes are reported
  • Approximately 20% of sexual assaults against women are perpetrated by assailants unknown to the victim. The remainder are committed by friends, acquaintances, intimates, and family members.
  • Acquaintance rape is particularly common among adolescent victims.
  • Male victims represent 5% of reported sexual assaults.
  • Among female rape victims 61% are under 18.
  • At least 20% of adult women, 15% of college women and 12% of adolescent women have experienced some form of sexual abuse or assault during their lifetimes
  • Over 50% of the attacks occur in the home, and most of these are planned.
  • In 85% of the cases, some type of direct force is used, whether it is choking, beating or plain physical force. A weapon is used 1/3 of the time.
  • Rapists rarely attack once. They have one of the highest repeat rates of all criminals. More that 70% of those arrested for the crime are re-arrested within seven years.


Myth: Sexual assault is a crime of passion and lust.
Sexual assault is a crime of violence. Assailants seek to dominate, humiliate and punish their victims.

Myth: You cannot be assaulted against your will.
Assailants overpower their victim with the threat of violence or with actual violence. In cases of acquaintance rape or incest, an assailant often uses the victim's trust in assailant to isolate the victim.

Myth: A person who has really been assaulted will be hysterical.
Survivors exhibit a spectrum of emotional responses to the assault: calm, hysteria, laughter, guilt, anger, apathy, shock. Each survivor copes with the trauma of the assault in a different way.

Myth: Sexual assault is an impulsive act.
Seventy-five percent of all assaults are planned in advance. When three or more assailants are involved, 90% are planned. If two assailants are involved, 83%. With one assailant, 58% are planned.

Myth: Assailants are usually crazed psychopaths who do not know their victims.
As many as 80% of all assaults involve either a known acquaintance, or someone the victim has had contact with, but does not know personally.

Myth: Gang rape is rare
In 43% of all reported cases, more that one assailant was involved.

Myth: Many women claim they have been sexually assaulted because they want revenge upon the man they accuse.
Only 4-6% of sexual assault cases are based on false accusations. This percentage of unsubstantiated cases is the same as with many other reported crimes.

Myth: Persons who dress or act in a sexy way are asking to be sexually assaulted.
Many convicted sexual assault assailants are unable to remember what their victims looked like or were wearing.

Myth: All women secretly want to be raped.
While women and men may fantasize about being overpowered during sexual relations it is usually with a person of their choosing, who they trust. They are in control of the fantasy. No one wants the physical and emotional pain caused by a sexual assault.

Myth: Only young, pretty women are assaulted.
There is no such thing as a "typical victim." Both men and women are assaulted by both male and female assailants. Victims have ranged in age from newborns to 100 years old.

Myth: It is impossible to sexually assault a man.
Men fall victim for the same reasons as women: they are overwhelmed by threats or acts of physical and emotional violence. Also, most sexual assaults that involve a male victim are gang assaults, by other males.

Myth: If you do not struggle or use physical force to resist you have not been sexually assaulted.
If you are forced to have sex without your consent, you have been assaulted whether or not a struggle was involved.

Helpful Links

For More Information

Department of Public Safety
ENMU Station 55
1500 S Ave K
Portales, NM 88130
800.FOR.ENMU (800.367.3668)
Phone: 575.562.2392
Fax: 575.562.2081