Need to talk Now?
We have a crisis cell phone number for emergencies 24/7 so you can get the help you need, when you need it! Our crisis phone number is 575.607.5689.
What is a Crisis?
A crisis can be a time of intense difficulty, trouble or danger. It may also be a time where a difficult or important decision must be made.
A mental health crisis is any situation in which a person's behavior puts them at risk of hurting themselves or others and/or prevents them from being able to care for themselves or function effectively. A crisis can look different for different people, so it is important that as long as you feel like you are in crisis that you reach out.
Call 575.607.5689
- Free 24/7 support for anyone in crisis or considering suicide.
- Call for yourself or someone you care about. Your call is free and confidential.
- Never ignore or underestimate remarks about suicide. If you think your friend is in immediate danger, do not leave them alone – stay there and call 911 and the on-call crisis counselor.
Text 575.825.1978
- Free 24/7 support for anyone in crisis
- Text from anywhere, anytime, about any type of crisis. One of our counselors will receive the text and respond. This counselor will help you move from a hot moment to a cool moment.
Need more Information?
{slider title="What to expect when using a helpline" class="icon mystyle3"}
You can use a helpline if you or a friend are in crisis. Trauma, depression, substance abuse, difficulties with family and relationships, and high stress are all valid reasons to reach out. You should never feel your problem is too small or insignificant.
You will never be judged for the problems you are dealing with. The counselor's goal is to help you make healthy decisions and feel safe.
You will be asked some questions about your feelings, social situation, safety, and any thoughts of suicide that you or the person you are calling about might be having. Answering truthfully will help the counselor to help you.
{slider title="What you need to know when you believe you are out of options" class="icon mystyle3"}
- Please remember that the problems that are causing you to think about suicide are solvable.
- Most problems are rarely as severe as they appear when first experienced. Time and changes in circumstances may make current problems seem much smaller and less important in the long run.
- Thoughts of suicide are treatable and there are many different treatment options available. Do not keep suicidal thoughts to yourself. Please seek help.
- Please do not choose a desperate action to solve a temporary problem.
- If you cannot think of solutions to your problems, it does not mean that none exist. It just means that you are currently unable to see all the different solutions by yourself.
- Most people who think about suicide do so for relatively short periods of time. Suicidal thinking and crisis experiences are time-limited. Circumstances can change, feelings can be altered, and unexpected solutions can be found. Please do not choose suicide. You have so many reasons to live.
- Emotional distress can block our views of life and make us disregard family ties, religion, love of nature and dreams. Those reasons to live are still present. You just have to find them again.
- Please understand that the impact of your suicide will be profound on those who love you the most. Your loved ones are among many reasons to live.
- Instead of choosing to suicide, choose to work on solutions by obtaining professional help and guidance now.
Call 575.607.5689 to reach an ENMU on-call counselor.
{slider title="Helpful apps" class="icon mystyle3"}
- BoosterBuddy – Interactive coping techniques for a variety of mental health issues
- Calm – a variety of daily, weekly or monthly calming, breathing and meditation techniques
- Calm Harm – Interactive app to prevent self-harm, but works well for other persistent thoughts and anxieties
- Clear Fear – Interactive app for anxiety
- Daylio – A mood tracking App
- Headspace – Mindfulness and Meditation app
- #SelfCare – Interactive app
- Sleep Cycle
- Spark People
- Ten Percent Happier– Meditation app
There are also many free resources available on YouTube and Spotify.
{slider title="Crisis situation contacts" class="icon mystyle3"}
- ENMU Text Line: 575.825.1978
- ENMU On-Call Counselor: 575.607.5689
- Police
- ENMU Department of Public Safety: 575.562.2392
- Portales Police Department: 575.356.4404
- Clovis Police Department: 575.769.1921
- Police Escort: 575.760.2945
- Roosevelt County Hospital: 575.359.1800
- ARISE Sexual Assault Services: 575.226.7263
- NM Crisis and Access Line: 855.NMCRISIS (855.662.7474)
- National Hopeline Network: 800.SUICIDE
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800.273.TALK (800.273.8255)
Connect at the Counseling Corner
In Person

In-person counseling is the standard of therapy for working through issues. Make an appointment at 575.562.2211.
You can schedule an in person appointment either by calling our office at 575.562.2211 or by filling out the Counseling Corner form (requires ENMU portal login) and waiting for a call back. Though this is the standard delivery method used to work through mental health concerns, due to COVID-19, we strongly advise students to schedule counseling appointments either over the phone or by online video. We take your privacy seriously and will take strict measures to keep our conversations confidential!
Online Video

We have Microsoft Teams available for video meetings online. Use our Counseling Corner form to make an appointment.
You can schedule your counseling appointment to be held over Microsoft Teams. You can schedule this appointment by either calling our office at 575.562.2211 or by filling out the Counseling Corner form (requires ENMU portal login) and waiting for a call back. Prior to your scheduled appointment, we will email you a unique link for your counseling session that works off of your ENMU email account. We take your privacy seriously and will take strict measures to keep our conversations confidential!
Wellness Resources
Having trouble coping? Wanting information or resources?
Greyhound Grit
Student-led wellness podcast meeting students where they are at.
Connect with us on Social Media
For More Information Contact
ENMU Station 34
1500 S Ave K
Portales, NM 88130
800.FOR.ENMU (800.367.3668)
Phone: 575.562.2211
Fax: 575.562.2215