ENMU Student Veterans Organization (SVO)
As a veteran, transitioning from military life to higher education presents you with a set of challenges that have commonalities among veterans but are also unique for each veteran. The Student Veterans Organization (SVO) was created to address veteran needs in the higher education experience.
For More Information
Contact: Dr. Bob Schneider
Phone: 575.562.2344
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Develop a community where military veterans will have the opportunity for academic and personal growth.
Local Veteran-Related Organizations
VFW Post 9515
This organization gives you many opportunities to connect with other veterans in the local area.
For More Information
Location: 316 S Main Ave, Portales, New Mexico
Post Commander: 575.359.0332
Women Veterans of New Mexico
This organization provides a voice for women who have served and those currently serving in the United States Armed Forces. An advocate for women veterans rights, issues and benefits.