As per ENMU's contract with Sodexo, all on-campus catering services are provided by Sodexo. Knowing your approved budget is an important part of hosting any type of on-campus catered event. Use the steps below as a guide to help you avoid common event planning pitfalls to help your event go off without a hitch!
Steps for Successful Event Catering
- Reserve the room or venue. You'll need to check to make sure the room you need is available for your event date and time. You can find room reservation information detailed at Room/Facility Reservations.
- Choose your event date, location (room or venue) and know your approved budget.
At least 10-15 days in advance of your event (sooner is better!), order the food. Keep in mind Sodexo needs adequate time to order and receive specialty items that may be included in your catering order. If your event is less than 10 days away from your order date, call Sodexo to confirm they can fulfill your request. Sodexo has CaterTrax, a convenient online ordering option that can be used for most types of catering requests with the following exceptions:
- If your Sodexo Catering request involves people going through the Crossroads Cafe Dining Hall line, you'll need to call to arrange catering instead of using CaterTrax. Call 575.562.2809.
- If there are items you want to order that you don't see in the CaterTrax ordering system, contact [email protected] as soon as possible to make arrangements to special order your items.
- Fill out the Request for Payment Authorization Sodexo cannot process your catering request until they receive this completed form (requires a VP signature).
Canceling a Catering Order
Food for your event will be ordered when Sodexo receives your Request for Payment Authorization form as indicated above. If you need to cancel your event, you must contact Sodexo at 575.562.2809 to request cancellation at least 72 hours prior to any event to avoid cancellation charges.
For More Information
Matti Verder
Unit Marketing Coordinator
Campus Union Building (CUB), Dining Hall