parents at her sister's graduation.
"As an educator, I want to teach students the subject of math, but also help them realize their own personal strengths and help them grow as an individual," says Rayelle Rivale, a junior at Eastern New Mexico University pursuing a bachelor's degree in mathematics for secondary education with a minor in accounting.
"I really enjoy and appreciate the subject of math, and I want to share my knowledge and appreciation with others. I not only want to teach others the subject but help them gain an appreciation for math as well and hopefully help students break the stigma that 'Math is too hard,'" shared Rayelle, who hopes to teach at the junior high and high school levels.
The ENMU student offered the following advice to prospective students and teachers: "Several people will tell you that teaching is the worst, that the pay isn't great or that you could make a lot of money with other career options. However, just remember why you wanted to be an educator. It's not about the salary or the benefits. It's about the difference you can make in the world and in someone's life. Don't let others discourage you out of the education profession."
She chose to attend Eastern because it was "affordable, in-state, I received a great scholarship and they have a great teacher education program." Rayelle was named the "Outstanding Student in Mathematics for Secondary Education 2018" and received the ENMU Green and Silver Presidential Scholarship. She has made the Dean's List for every semester she has been at Eastern.
Rayelle has an immense appreciation for all of her professors and considers them to be "extremely helpful." She put the spotlight on Dr. Kristi Jarman, Dr. Brian Pakso, Dr. Regina Aragon, Mrs. Yeta Massey and Dr. Kathleen Wagner, saying, "They all helped me in my classes when I was struggling and provided counsel when needed. They have always been willing to be of assistance.

and Klansey.
"Being a Greyhound means you have professors that care about you and a tremendous amount of available resources to help you through classes that you struggle with, or when you just need some more clarifications" added Rayelle.
Her favorite class at ENMU was "MATH 124," which is "Calculus 1." She explained that she had a "great professor, Dr. Jarman. I also got to see a lot of neat applications of math and really enjoyed the class."
Her preferred study site is the Golden Student Success Center. "It's a great place to study or do group projects. I work better in a quiet environment and the GSSC provides a quiet place where I can focus on my schoolwork."
Rayelle is a lead tutor/supplemental instructor through the Tutoring Services at the University. She tutors "Math 113" to "Math 340." In addition, she is involved with ENMU Voices and ENMU Future Farmers of America (FFA).
The Greyhound was born in Raton but raised in Des Moines. Both towns are in New Mexico. Her father is a realtor and rancher, and her mother has driven a school bus for Des Moines Schools for 23 years. Rayelle, who loves creating beadwork as her hobby, has three sisters and one brother.