Psychology Major Dedicated to Helping Detainees

Tyler Bock
Tyler Bock, a student at ENMU, is dedicated to helping families who struggle with difficult conditions with his psychology degree.

Psychology Major Dedicated to Helping Detainees

Tyler Bock, a student at Eastern New Mexico University, is dedicated to helping families who struggle with difficult conditions with his psychology degree.

"I know that it is impossible to change the world. But, I hope to make a difference in the lives of those around me," said Tyler, who is from Albuquerque, New Mexico.

He hopes to help people with addictions to alcohol and drug substances. He believes that today's society tends to forget about this particular population and "treats them as less than people. I hope that within my career choice I can show them that someone does indeed care and want the best for them."

Tyler chose to pursue psychology because of the experiences he has had within his family. He has had extended family members that have passed away due to drug overdose and lasting effects of alcoholism. 

"Working with people who feel lost and alone has become a passion because I have experienced it through my family and know that there is another way of life," he explains.

Tyler is part of two research teams. He works diligently with ENMU professors and other students to help detainees at the Roosevelt County Detention Center with anger management. Tyler enjoys visiting with the detainees on a weekly basis.

"I am able to work with men who mostly struggle with substance abuse," he explained.

Tyler chose to attend ENMU because of the close community and the quality of the University. "I knew if I came here, it would be more like a family rather than being a number," he said.

His favorite part of being a Greyhound is the ability to say, "We are all a family, and always supportive of one another."

Tyler has had many professors that have helped him with his education, including Dr. Leslie Gill, Dr. Gary Bond, Dr. Kristin Waldo and Dr. Elizabeth Self from the Department of Psychology and Political Science.

His favorite course at ENMU was "Social Psychology," because it "is intriguing to me as to why society acts the way it does and why people socially react the way we do. It very informatively explains stigma and social norms. It is a round look at psychology, touching on the justice system and incorporating why psychology is so important in a society."

He encourages students interested in psychology to "be open to self-exploration and educate yourself as to what you are getting into. Psychology is by no means an 'easy' degree, there is more to it than common sense and paper writing."

He is involved in Psyched In!, the psychology club on campus. He also participates in the Baptist Student Union and attends church weekly.

The fountain at the center of campus is Tyler's favorite place because it is relaxing. "I find that the trickling from the water fountain help relax me and clear my mind of any stress I may have," he said. 

"I have had many good memories here at Eastern, many that I would never wish to change," he added.

Tyler wishes to further his education by applying to Ph.D. programs. "I want to continue my education by attending the psychology doctoral program at Texas Tech."



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