Greyhound Grad Overcomes Obstacles for Degree

Jerome Aguilar
Jerome Aguilar, standing by the ENMU Greyhound statue in front of the Campus Union Building, said that graduating from Eastern will help him “succeed in a future business career.”

Greyhound Grad Overcomes Obstacles for Degree

Jerome Aguilar, who graduated from Eastern New Mexico University in May 2017, has had his share of challenges. However, he feels prepared for the future because of his degree in business administration with an emphasis in information systems.

"I chose ENMU because the people here care about my success," said Jerome.  "From recruiters to instructors, everyone is here to help you get to where you want to be."

He was born and raised in Albuquerque. His parents were divorced, which made his life difficult growing up. He and his sister constantly divided their time between parents.

"As we grew older, we got used to it," he said.

The 26-year-old expressed great appreciation for the ability to "stick together" with his sister, so he didn't have to go through the experience alone. Though the divorce was tough, he still admired his parents.

"Both of my parents were managers within their companies, so being able to watch them become successful had a great impact on my life," Jerome explained.

His parents' success inspired him to go to college and pursue his goals after graduating from Bernalillo High School in 2008.

The graduate struggled in his first attempt at ENMU. He persevered to strengthen his GPA and keep the Lottery Scholarship for three consecutive years, overcoming many challenges along the way.

Jerome was amazed by the culture that faculty, staff and students created on campus. He loved the overall environment of ENMU.

"Personalized experiences are found campus-wide," he shared.

He left the university after his third year, but returned two years ago, determined to finish what he started. He made the Dean's List every semester after his return and battled his way through school until graduation in May 2017.

"The challenges that I have overcome while earning my degree have prepared me for real-life challenges. The experience I have gained over my time here will allow me to succeed in a future business career," Jerome said confidently.

He credited his success toward his advisors, Mr. Byron Mitchell and Dr. Veena Parboteeah, who "allowed him to get to this point in his academic career."

The graduate plans to return to school, yet again, to attain a master's degree in business administration.

He will use his knowledge from Eastern to strive upward in a business, potentially one he would start on his own.

Jerome hopes to mentor kids and set an example they can look up to, similar to the example his parents set for him. He wants to do everything he can to help them learn how to achieve their goals.

When not pursuing his business goals, Jerome delights in venturing outdoors. He hunts, camps and fishes. He also snowboards, runs and plays basketball to stay active.

The Eastern graduate finds the outside enjoyable and "would love to own property somewhere in the mountains."

"Above all, Jesus Christ gives my life the most meaning," he said. "I strive to become the best man that I can be, following in His footsteps every day and learning from my mistakes, while keeping temptations as far away as possible."

The Greyhound Grad recommends ENMU to future students with the promise that the school offers an "affordable, personal and challenging experience" where you will "make great friends along the way.

"For students considering ENMU, it is a beautiful campus that offers help anywhere you look."


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