Senator for the College of Fine Arts Loves Student Government

Senator for the College of Fine Arts Loves Student Government


"We allocate funding student fees to different organizations within campus," said Mr. Tapia.

They also put on events throughout campus, including Eastern in Action, Mud Volleyball and Up til' Dawn.

Mr. Tapia says that he takes pride in being involved in these events because Mud Volleyball helps raise funds for student scholarships and Eastern in Action is a way to give back to the community.

Mr. Tapia entered Senate his second semester of freshman year as an appointee. He has remained in Senate for three semesters.

He hopes to be reelected as a senator for the 2016-2017 year for the College of Fine Arts in order to continue trying to find solutions for student concerns.

Mr. Tapia believes it is important for students to voice their concerns, and realizes that not everything is possible but is at least worth attempting.

"We try to do for the students as much as we can," said Mr. Tapia, who is a President's Ambassador, produces and anchors the news for KENW News 3 and lives with ENMU's mascots Vic and Tory.


Mr. Tapia thinks that living with Vic and Tori is a lot of fun and he enjoys it. However, he knows it comes with a lot of responsibility since he has to feed them, put them to bed and wake them up.

"Vic and Tori are probably two of the nicest, sweetest, caring and loyal dogs that I have ever met," says Mr. Tapia. "I love them."

He could not choose a favorite between the two mascots.

Mr. Tapia's future goals are to graduate early in December 2016. If he is able to graduate in the Fall of 2016 he would graduate two years early.

After graduating he hopes to work as a news anchor and reporter out-of-state for a while. Then he hopes to return to New Mexico and work at a Albuquerque news station. He wants to be an ambassador for New Mexico.

Mr. Tapia loves interacting with people and being able to tell their stories. He chose to major in Broadcast Journalism because he has always had a passion for writing, reading and speaking. He appreciates Eastern's professors because he has been able to gain hands-on experience and they have helped him become successful.

"I want people to recognize me and think, ‘Oh I know him, he does awesome things,'" said Mr. Tapia, "I want to have an impact on people's lives; as a journalist I don't want to be a voice for the voiceless but rather give a voice to the voiceless."


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