International Student from Chiapas

International Student from Chiapas


This is her first time studying abroad. She chose Eastern New Mexico University because it was the school that accepts the biggest number of students from Mexico. Also, a lot of the people that she studies with in Chiapas decided to study abroad this semester.

She was reassured that Eastern was the right choice when her friends who had already studied at ENMU told her people were nice. This was an important factor for Ms. Fuentes since she considers herself an introvert. She believes that some people tend to get frustrated with her when she does not keep the conversations going. She feared that people would think she did not like them because she was quiet.

"When someone starts a conversation with me it is really difficult for me to think about how to continue it, and I have noticed some people stop trying to talk to me. I think they probably think I do not want to talk, but all I need is more opportunities to know them and then I feel confident and comfortable," Ms. Fuentes said.

Ms. Fuentes enjoys meeting new people. She believes Eastern will help her improve her communication skills.

One of the weirdest things she experienced when she first came to Eastern was that people would constantly be smiling at her. This made her feel very uncomfortable because she was not sure why they were smiling. She asked herself if she was just being anti-social or if they were laughing at her. It was not until after several days that she realized it is something that everyone does and began to do it herself.

"I started to do same and I was really happy. It is like sharing energy, you receive that positive feeling from others," says Ms. Fuentes.interntational2

Some of the biggest differences that she has noticed from Mexico and the United States is that she has a lot more free time.

In Mexico students typically show up to school for eight hours, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. The teachers move from classroom to classroom according to their schedules. The number of classes taken is more than five and the homework load is a lot bigger.

"This makes me feel like I am in something similar to a vacation," says Ms. Fuentes, "This also might happen to the other Mexican international students, because we have more free time and fewer classes."

Ms. Fuentes would like to change the mind of those who would like to visit Mexico but think it is an extremely dangerous place.

"My country is as dangerous as any other. Yes, there are specific places where you should not go - even Mexicans do not like to go - but the country is big enough for everything." Ms. Fuentes proudly said about her country.

She said Mexico has a lot to offer. Every state and city is different from the weather to the culture and people.

"I think in Mexico you can find whatever you want if you really look for it. From a big cities with really good malls, little towns with native hand crafted products, beaches with five-star hotels to beaches with local restaurants, to quiet and safe places to places with curfew," says Ms. Fuentes, "Just know what you are looking for and Mexico can offer it. Do not listen just to the negative parts that are shown in the news. Somethings happen in every country, the good and beautiful things are not shown as much as we would like."


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