Small Town Girl With Many Achievements

Small Town Girl With Many Achievements

r2According to Plains-Valley Online News, during her time at ENMU-R she was able to obtain two associate degrees in one year. After graduating with her associate degree, she decided to continue her education at Eastern New Mexico University.

Despite all her amazing success, Ms. Juarez was worried that she would not be able to make it far from home. She is very close with her family and friends in Hagerman. The thought of being away from them worried her.

"My biggest fear was that I wasn't going to make it; I have always been really close to my family and I thought that being away was going to be hard for me," said Ms. Juarez "Things weren't how I imagined; I did a lot better than I expected."

Ms. Juarez decided to attend college at ENMU because it wasn't too far from home but far enough to get the college experience.

"I always heard good things about Eastern and I wanted to see for myself," says Ms. Juarez "Eastern wasn't too big of a campus so I knew it was going to be something I was going to like."

Her first impression of Eastern was that all the good things she had heard about the campus were actually true. She knew she would enjoy her time at Eastern.


Ms. Juarez says that what she has enjoyed the most about ENMU is that she has been able to meet new people from all over the world. She has been able to come out of her comfort zone and is more outgoing.

Her goals for her future are to obtain an internship before she graduates this fall. After graduating she hopes to move to Texas, where she will continue her education toward getting a master's degree.

Some of Ms. Juarez's personal goals are to make her family proud, and travelling to a place she would have never imagined she could go.

"My family has always been my main supporters and my motivation. Without them I wouldn't be where I am today. I am extremely thankful for them and everything they have done for me," says the business administration major "Everything I do is for them; I really want to make them proud."


Her advice for incoming students is to make the best of everything, get involved and have fun while staying focused.


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