Student Wants to Travel World

Student Wants to Travel World

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Karen is the definition of an involved student at Eastern New Mexico University. She participates in four different organizations, including Chi Omega and Panhellenic where she has held several executive positions. She is the vice president for Spanish Club and active member of Pre-Law Club.

Her first impression of ENMU was that it was a friendly campus and people were always willing to help. This first impression influenced her decision to attend college at Eastern.

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"When I finally came to Eastern I instantly fell in love with the campus. The staff and the students are so friendly and I liked that you were able to have one-on-one time with your professors, unlike other universities," says the political science major.

"I've learned to become a leader, a professional, and how to be very productive. With the help of the staff and students I can honestly say Eastern has prepared me to a better person."

She is double majoring in political science and Spanish. When she graduates in spring 2017, she plans to register at the University of New Mexico Law School and focus on immigration law.

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Some of the traditions that Karen enjoys at ENMU include the cultural events that teach students about other people's traditions. She also enjoys being able to participate in many on-campus events--as well as having real live mascots that boost school spirit.

Even though ENMU has become her home away from home, she still misses living in Albuquerque.

"I miss waking up to the beautiful view of the mountains and the hot air balloons," says Karen.

Living away from home has taught her how to be a better adult. However, she misses her parents and having home-cooked meals. Her parents are her biggest supporters as well as her younger brother. She is proud of her family and wishes to one day make them proud of her.

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"I have one younger brother who is 16. He is so smart; I am very proud of everything he has accomplished, and, of course, I am super proud of my parents," says the Eastern student. "I have always looked up to them, and one day I hope to have the courage and success my parents achieved."

Karen is a dreamer and goal oriented. One of her personal goals is to continue traveling the world learning about different cultures. She hopes to travel to at least to one place in each country.

"One of my favorite things to do is travel and get to know different cultures," says Karen. "I have visited seven countries including the United States, and it amazes me how different each country can be."


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