Meet the Counselors for Dawg Days 2019

Dawg Days counselors
Houndchella starts on Aug. 17! Get to know some of the Dawg Days counselors before all of the fun events begin.

Meet the Counselors for Dawg Days 2019

Dawg Days 2019 is almost here! Houndchella, which is led by Dawg Days counselors, takes place from Aug. 17-19.

Meet some of this year's counselors:

blake ahrens 2019

Blake Ahrens

Team: Orange Team Captain

Major/Minor: Forensic science with an emphasis in biology

Classification: Senior

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

2016. My favorite part was the almost instant sense of belonging and warm welcomes I received to become a Greyhound.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

I am most excited to meet all the new students coming to Portales and to make sure they feel as comfortable as possible coming to school at Eastern. I love being a part of their transition into college life, and making it as easy as possible.

mariah griego 2019

Mariah Griego

Team: Purple

Major/Minor: Double major in forensic biology and criminal justice

Classification: Junior

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

2017. My favorite part was how motivated everyone was and how inspirational it was. It encouraged me to apply to be a counselor, and I'm going on my second year as one.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

My favorite part about Dawg Days 2019 is probably the group of individuals chosen. Just based off of the group chat, everyone is super excited and friendly and shows promise for a great year!

samuel coronado 2019

Samuel Sebastian Coronado

Team: Green

Major/Minor: Biochemistry. Minor in Spanish and industrial mathematics.

Classification: Sophomore

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

2018. When I met the Dawg Days counselors last year, I thought they were really cool naturally, but little did I know I would be a counselor myself and become so close with the people associated with Dawg Days.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

I want to meet as many freshmen as I can, introduce myself as a resource and be as authentic as possible so they can be welcomed into the ENMU atmosphere.

jovani gallegos 2019

Jovani Gallegos

Team: Pink

Major/Minor: Social work with a minor in Spanish

Classification: Senior

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

2016. My favorite part of it was moving into my dorm. Seeing the counselor's excitement and school spirit made me feel like I chose the right University and could see myself grow here at Eastern, and I did.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

The paint party for sure because it is the perfect way to end day one of Dawg Days by having music and dancing and getting spattered with paint. It's the beginning of the fun memories the freshmen will have when they want to look back at their time here at Eastern.

courtney thatcher 2019

Courtney Thatcher

Team: Yellow

Major/Minor: Communication emphasis in journalism, creative writing minor

Classification: Senior

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

2016. My favorite and least favorite part was the Dorm Storms. I thought it was scary and a little annoying at times because I would be sleeping, but knowing that people cared enough to get people involved made me appreciate them.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

I'm most excited to meet the new freshmen, the same as I was last year. I'm also excited about the theme for this year and all of the music and dances involved.

valencia owens 2019

Valencia Owens

Team: Blue

Major/Minor: Double major in psychology and sociology

Classification: Second year/sophomore

Which year did you go through Dawg Days?  What was your favorite part?

2018. I really liked seeing all the clubs and organizations that the school had. It was nice seeing the things the school had to offer to the students and not having to go and find everything on your own.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

I am looking forward to the team rivalry and team competitions. Nothing shows school spirit and school excitement than a bit of rivalry! It will also show the incoming students what type of school they are coming into a school that is proud and students that are proud of their school.

riley daggett 2019

Riley Daggett

Team: Social Media

Major/Minor: University Studies

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

I sadly did not participate in Dawg Days my first year; I was far too busy with marching band. However, between my second and third year, I was a counselor for the pink team. The energy that the counselors had was incredible and encouraged me to move forward with Dawg Days.

Towards the end of my third year, one of my little brothers in Kappa Sigma, Clay Enderez, encouraged me to apply for the student co-coordinator position for dawg days. After an interview with the Campus Life Director Rey Coss, I was selected for the job along with Becca Quintana. Throughout the summer, we worked tirelessly to give the freshman a memorable weekend.

As the time came for new coordinators to be selected, I encouraged my little brother Clay Enderez to apply, such as he did for me. He was selected along with Kennedy Haverland for the 2019 co-coordinators.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

I am most excited for Dawg Days 2019 to see Clay and Kennedy improve upon what Becca and I did. And to see them continue the culture of excitement and joy that is Dawg Days.

alexis rodriguez 2019

Alexis Rodriguez

Team: Purple Team Captain

Major/Minor: Biology pre-med

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

2017. My favorite part was seeing all the counselors have so much energy for us incoming freshmen and making us feel comfortable being at ENMU.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

I am most excited about meeting all the freshmen because the counselors help show them how exciting it is to be at ENMU and be a Greyhound.

wesley malcolm 2019

Wesley Malcolm

Team: Pink

Major/Minor: Health and physical education with an emphasis in health and wellness and a minor in psychology

Classification: Senior

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

2016. My favorite part about Dawg Days was just being welcomed and getting that help adjusting to the "college life."

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

The part that I am most excited for is making these incoming freshmen feel at home and comfortable coming to Eastern.

heather murray 2019

Heather Murray

Team: Yellow

Major/Minor: Forensic biology

Classification: Sophomore

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

2018. My favorite part was getting to see everything all over campus.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

I'm mostly excited to see all the new freshman come in and find what they like/ want to do.

hannah kamphuis 2019

Hannah Kamphuis

Team: Pink

Major/Minor: Social studies with an emphasis in history and licensure in secondary education and a minor problem in theater

Classification: Sophomore

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

2018. My favorite part was getting to know other freshmen.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

I am most excited to get to know my co-counselors and be able to guide new freshmen.

giovanna calderara 2019

Giovanna "Gia" Calderara

Team: Yellow

Major/Minor: Culinary arts with a minor in business

Classification: Junior

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

2017. The paint party was my favorite because I got to dance and meet so many new people

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

I'm so excited to learn the new dance and meet all the new freshmen because I love meeting new people and finding out what they are passionate about.

laney felix 2019

Laney Felix

Team: Blue

Major: Elementary education

Classification: Junior

Which year did you go through Dawg Days? What was your favorite part?

I didn't have a formal Dawg Days because I was a transfer student after my freshmen year. But I have heard so many great things about it, and I can't wait to be a part of it.

Which part of Houndchella are you looking forward to the most?

I am excited about the entire experience and getting to help out on campus. I am excited to be a part of this, and I can't wait to get started.


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