Event Review: Million Dollar Hypnotist

Candace Eckels reviews David Hall’s hypnotism event, held on Jan. 26, 2017.
Candace Eckels reviews David Hall’s hypnotism event, held on Jan. 26, 2017.

Event Review: Million Dollar Hypnotist

David Hall's hypnotism event, held on Jan. 26, was one of epic proportions. Hall managed to hypnotize a whole stage full of students into doing things that I never saw coming.

When Hall told the students on stage to imagine that they were relaxing on a hot beach, you could see the physical change on all their faces. Suddenly the students were exhibiting signs of being on a beach: stretching out and looking relaxed on a warm beach day.

Hall then told them that the beach was becoming hotter and hotter. One student took his hoodie off because he believed he was hot.

Hall didn't stop there. He played his version of Cards Against Humanity with the audience. The card would say part of a sentence and then the audience would choose the outcome. One of the cards resulted in a student running off the stage because he thought he had won one million dollars. The gentleman ran all around the audience screaming with excitement about winning the prize money.

Hall told the students on stage to dance for their tuition. The students danced their hearts out in front of the crowd to win that tuition money. And in the end, the crowd agreed that they all won.

As the evening began to wind down, Hall told the students on stage that they would remember all the events that they had performed that evening once their feet had walked off the stage and touched the ballroom floor.

One by one the students walked off the stage, remembering their impressive dance moves and Beyoncé impressions. You could see joy covering the student's faces as they realized how goofy they had been that night.

Overall, Hall impressed many students with an amazing show. Everyone was laughing, whether they were an audience member or a participant. The night was one for the books. With such an amazing night to start the year, students should be excited to see what else ENMU's Associated Students Activities Board has planned for the semester.


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