GO Bond 3 Campus Improvements

GO Bond 3 Campus Improvements

New construction could be underway on the ENMU campus this fall. General Obligation Bond 3 is on the ballot for New Mexico voters to vote on $215 million in funding for New Mexico Colleges and Universities.

If the G.O. Bond 3 passes, ENMU will receive $9 million dollars to construct a new Student Academic Services (SAS) building on the current site of the old Harding Hall.

The current SAS Building was built in 1948 and was originally the Student Union Building. At the time, it housed a coffee shop, guest rooms for visiting professors, a radio station and the anthropology department. Since its renovation in 1982, the current SAS building is home to a variety of student services, including Financial Aid, Counseling and Career Services, and Accessibility Resources and Testing.

Dr. Jeff Long, vice president for student affairs, whose office is in the SAS building, explained that he is hopeful that the new building will allow student services to run more efficiently. Dr. Long stated, "The SAS building is often the first building prospective and new students see on campus, and the new building will allow us to put our best foot forward and present a more positive impression of the University."

Vee Lucas and Susan Larsen, the Directors of Accessibility Resources and Testing Center and Counseling and Career Services, respectively, both mentioned that increased student privacy and student accessibility are big concerns they hope to better address with the construction of a new SAS building.

According to Vee Lucas, between 350 and 390 students receive support from the Accessibility Resources and Testing Center. Counseling and Career Services provides students with counseling and career advice throughout their time as students and sets students up for success after graduation. The new building will allow for students to maintain their confidentiality when requesting and accessing these services.

The passage of GO Bond Issue 3 will provide ENMU with $9 million for a new SAS building. This building will provide a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere that will help students feel more at ease when receiving services, and it would improve students' first impression of facilities they can expect at ENMU. This building will provide a central place for students to receive help from the start all the way through to the completion of their degrees. For more information on Bond 3 please visit Bond3ForNM.com.


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