Eastern New Mexico University Awarded Over Three Million Dollars in New Grant Money

Eastern New Mexico University Awarded Over Three Million Dollars in New Grant Money

PORTALES, NM – Oct 6, 2022 – Eastern New Mexico University has been awarded over three million dollars in new grant money to be used over the next one to three years with an additional one million dollars in grant money pending for use in future years.

ENMU was awarded $749,976 over three years as the lead institution on a grant from the Department of Energy. Dr. Juchao Yan, professor of chemistry and chair of the department of Physical Sciences, has been awarded the grant for research on Use of Carbonyl as an Infrared Reporter for Probing the Nature of Charges in Donor-Acceptor Type Conjugated Molecules.  Grant partners include NMSU and UNM.

This work is supported by the Department of Energy’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research State-National Laboratory Partnership Program in the Office of Basic Energy Sciences in the Office of Science

The New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) awarded a one-year Early Childhood Education Student Success Grant to Dr. Kathie Good, professor of Special Education and chair of the Educational Studies Department in the amount of $308,000

The New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) awarded ENMU a $2.135 million dollar one-year grant for NMPED Teacher Residency to the College of Education and Technology. The grant was written by Dr. Lee Hurren, dean of the College, and Dr. Rebecca Davis, assistant dean.

“A benefit of attending ENMU is that students work with professors who are researchers and innovators in their fields,” said ENMU President Dr. Patrice Caldwell. “These grants, and others in the pipeline, demonstrate ENMU’s commitment to seeking external funds to enhance University programs and opportunities for students.”

ENMU also has pending grants totaling over one million dollars including a NSF grant to enhance STEM Project-Based Learning, an ECECD Early Childhood Education and Care Higher Education Investment Endowment and an ECECD grant in collaboration with the Kellogg Foundation.


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