Story by Amy Waltner
Communication Services
Editor's Note: Huie Brown, who began working at ENMU in 2001, is a "Science Technician" for the biology and physical sciences departments. In the interview below, he talks about his life and career.
"My father was one of the veterans of Italy that was brought back to the U.S. to make the movie 'Ernie Pile's The Story Of G.I. Joe.'" – Huie Brown
Q. What are the main duties of your job?
A. The short version would be "I help the professors provide the best learning experience possible to the students taking any of the life or physical sciences classes." My job duties are far too diverse to list here. Some of my duties include but are not limited to; repairing test equipment and microscopes, maintaining the chemical inventories, giving tours in the museums, taking care of the animals on display ((alligators, large snapping turtle, and the big western diamondback rattlesnake primarily) and the other animals when we do not have students working in the museum). I also work with other support areas on campus and off like Physical Plant, inventory, and some off campus venders to ensure the professors have what they need to do their job teaching, researching, and mentoring.
Q. What have you enjoyed most about your job, and what have been the biggest challenges?
A. What I enjoy most is working with the people I work with here at ENMU (faculty, staff, students, and visitors). The most challenging part of my job is the diversity of duties and responsibilities.
Q. What were you doing before you came to ENMU, and what other jobs have you held?
A. Before I came to ENMU was a Customer Service Manager at Wal-Mart in Portales. Before that I served a little over twenty years in the US Air Force and retired. I was an electronics technician in the Air Force. Between temporary duty and permanent change of stations I was in 38 states and 12 counties (most of them in Europe)
When I retired from the Air Force I came to ENMU and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology and Anthropology. While in the Air Force I received an Associate's Degree in Avionics Technology from the Community College of the Air Force.
While I was attending ENMU I worked as student hire at the Blackwater Draw Site for three summers. I helped excavate the foundation trenches for the Interpretive center at the site (I was one of the very few undergraduate students allowed to do excavations during that time at the site).
Q. Where were you born, raised, and what was your life like growing up?
A. I was born in Oklahoma City and grew up about twenty - thirty miles east of Oklahoma City in small town called Nicoma Park. I have two sisters, Alice and Jeanne, both still in in Oklahoma. Alice is 12 years older and Jeanne is 9 years older than I am.
My father worked at Tinker AFB and my mother was an orthodontist assistant. My father retired from the Oklahoma National Guard 45th division after 28 yrs. of service with 10 years active service – six of those years were WWII and Korea. My father fought in North Africa, Sicily and up the boot of Italy. He was one of the veterans of Italy that was brought back to the U.S. to make the movie "Ernie Pile's The Story Of G.I. Joe" in 1944 or 1945. My dad's crew did all of the artillery scenes for the movie.
We were a close family that traveled a lot in the U.S. on family trips. I spent a lot of time playing outside. When I was older I earned my summer money hauling hay and helping my uncles who were farmhands. I helped them plow and with some other jobs they did for farmers. I joined the Air Force directly out of high school at the age of 17.
Q. Tell us about your own family?
A. I have been married for 34 years to Linda; we have two children, Tina and Daniel, and one granddaughter, Raelynn. My wife has her Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice and her masters in Elementary Education from ENMU.
My daughter has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and History from ENMU. Tina is the Store Manager at Spencer's in Clovis. My son has a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from ENMU. His Associate's Degree in nursing (RN) is from Clovis Community College. Daniel is working in Lubbock at Texas Tech University Medical Center on the cancer ward.
Q. What are your hobbies?
A. My main hobby is golf (even if I am not very good I enjoy it).
Q. What is your general impression of Portales, and ENMU?
A. I grew up in a small town so I like Portales. ENMU is a very good university with friendly people and a great leaning atmosphere. Our students prove it time and time again. For example, look at the success rate of our students applying for medical, veterinary and dental schools.
Q. Other thoughts?
A. New Mexico may not seem to be a hot spot to live, but get out and travel around in this state. You may be surprised at what this state has to offer. If you are from New Mexico and have not traveled around you should travel experience the different scenery and people of this state.