Sigma Chi Raised Over $800 For Huntsman Cancer Institute

Sigma Chi Raised Over $800 For Huntsman Cancer Institute

Sigma Chi signed up teams of six: $60 per team or $15 per person. The money is used to cover materials for the event, and the remaining money goes to the Institute.

This year they had four teams from the sororities, although the event is open to everyone.

More than the teams are a part of the fundraising, however. They tabled in the Campus Union Building asking for further donations for the Institute.

They started Derby Days on Sunday, Sept. 11. During this time the teams met at the Sigma Chi house and they go over the roles for the week and create their derby hats. The teams pick a Sigma Chi brother to be their "Sig Coach" and he assists them throughout the week-long competition.

The teams earn points by catching a Sigma Chi brother and getting his derby hat while on campus, performing well during each nightly activity, having all teams attend, completing the photo challenges, learning facts about Sigma Chi and being able to answer nightly trivia questions and, lastly, each dollar raised by the team counts as a point.

Each Sigma Chi gets a derby hat and decorates it however they please. He then has to wear the hat all week while on campus.

Each team has their own derby hat which is required for the pictures the teams have to take around campus for them to earn points.

Every night had a different themes and events.

Monday was "Glamorous Monday" where they had a fashion show in the Becky Sharp Auditorium.

That night, Caleb Baca, Sigma Chi's president, had everyone write on their hand in permanent marker the name of a loved one, friend or anyone they knew that struggled with cancer.

"I asked them to think about that person, their daily struggles, the good memories they had with them, if they are still here today. After a few moments, I asked them to remember this person throughout the week. Let that person be the motivation for raising as much money as they can. Let that person remind them why they chose to participate in Derby Days. With that, I also wanted them to pledge to be the generation to end cancer," said Baca.

Tuesday was "Jersey Day" where they were challenged to wear a jersey all day; at the end of the day they played "Sig-Pong."

"We got twelve 55-gallon barrels from Southwest Cheese, two kick-balls, and set the barrels up in our backyard about 35 feet apart. Two members from each team would throw the kick-balls in attempts to make it in one of the barrels. Making it into the barrel would remove that barrel. The first team that would make the kick ball into all the barrels would win. We created a bracket for the teams. Each team played the other, leading into a tournament, leading to a winner of Sig- Pong of the night, adding more points to the teams' running total," explained Baca.

Wednesday the teams got to choose their theme and had to decorate wooden Sigma Chi letters. The letters created that night will be used for tabling purposes in the future.

Thursday was "Camouflage Day" and their activity was "Seek-A-Sig," which has become a traditional game played during each Derby Days.

"We all meet in front of the CUB, and go over the rules. All the brothers are given about 15-20 minutes to spread out on campus and find a hiding spot. After the 15-20 minutes, the teams are given an hour to find the brothers. If a brother is spotted, a team member has to get us, and our derby to get the ticket for points. After the hour, it is up for the brothers to make it to the front of the Administration Building. Being caught by a team member will cause the brother to lose his hat and the game," explained Baca.

Friday was "Era" themed, and they had a Sig-Sing-Off. This activity resembles ENMU's Homecoming Songfest.

"If you saw a brother wearing a funny looking hat on campus, or being chased by a team of girls, you know why. The girls are trying to get his derby for the ticket, to add more points. The thrill of being chased or the chance of being seen by a team member is the most fun of the week," said Baca.

Sigma Chi raised around $800 during their week-long event, and their alumni are going to donate to help them get to an even $1,000.

They will continue raising funds for the Huntsman Cancer Institute throughout the semester, one potential upcoming event being a car wash.

For more information about Sigma Chi or Derby Days contact Caleb Baca at [email protected]

More photos available on the GG Insta page >


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