Meet Sarah Wright

Meet Sarah Wright

Q.  What is your official title?

Graphic Artist I

Q.  When did you begin working at ENMU?

I began a temporary position on June 23, 2015 (right after graduation) and became permanent on January 9, 2017.

Q.  What is the history of your positions at ENMU?

My first job here was a work study job at the Golden Library in Media Services. I worked there from the day I started school here to the day before I graduated (almost six years!). A month after I graduated, I was hired as a temporary graphic designer in Communication Services and have been here ever since.

Q.  What does your department do and what are the main duties of your job?

Communication Services does the campus publications, ENMU's website, the University social media pages, marketing and media relations. My main duties are to create publications for different departments on campus while maintaining the University's branding.

Q.  What have you enjoyed most about your job, and what have been the biggest challenges?

I really enjoy that my job is to create things all day long, and I really enjoy the people in my department. I think the biggest challenge has been adhering to the strict brand standards creatively. It's a great challenge!

Q.  What were you doing before you came to ENMU, and what other jobs have you held outside of ENMU?

Before working at ENMU I was attending school here. I haven't really had a job outside of the University. My first real job was working at the library here on campus.

Q.  What are your degrees and majors, and what activities did you participate in college?

I graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in Animation, Media Arts and Design and I minored in Music. I was very heavily involved in band as a student. I was in marching band, wind symphony, symphonic band and brass choir (at least two of these a semester). During my last semester I was inducted into the Kappa Kappa Psi Band Fraternity. I was also pretty involved with ENMU's Student AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) group and competed in their monthly Command X competition.      We'd meet once a month on a Saturday, receive a design prompt and have three hours to complete it. Good times!

Q.  Where were you born, raised, and what was your life like growing up?

I was born and raised in the booming metropolis of Clovis, New Mexico. Most of my life, my mom worked as a secretary at a bank (still works there but is no longer a secretary) and my dad was a draftsman (currently retired/master book reader). I have two brothers and one sister, all quite a bit older than me, and we are all completely different. Two of them joined the Army and the other two are college grads (one science, one art).

When I was little I was very into sports, specifically basketball. I had it in my head that I was going to play in the WNBA. I spent my summers going to every basketball camp my parents could find. When I got into junior high and realized I wasn't going to grow past 5' 1'' I had to start looking elsewhere for a career choice. The next obvious choice was a professional musician. I joined band because that's what my friends did, and it was just the cool thing to do. I guess I didn't realize at the time that French horn was NOT a gateway to the rock star life. If you're in the band at Clovis High School, it quickly becomes your whole life. It's what I did before and after school almost every day. And I guess I got pretty good at it. I got the attention of Dustin Seifert and before I knew it I was enrolled here at ENMU as a music major.

I quickly discovered that music was an escape for me and that I wasn't enjoying it as much when I had to do it all the time. I wanted to continue doing it, but I just didn't want to major in it anymore. So, the next (and final) obvious choice was to become an artist. So far, it's working out pretty great! But my memories in band, from junior high, high school and college, are the best memories of my life. I would not be where I am right now if it had not been for band.

Q.  Tell us about your own family?

Well I'm not married and the closest thing I have to a kid is my dog, Doogie. And believe me, I treat her like she's my kid. But outside of my actual family, I consider my close friends family. And they're as great and dysfunctional as a regular family.

Q.  What are your hobbies?

I honestly have a hard time keeping track of my hobbies. Yeah, I like reading and watching TV, but I don't really consider those hobbies. I get interested in something different almost every month, wear it out and move on to something new. One month I was really into water color, another month drawing, another month making "sick beats" with GarageBand. This month, I purchased an ocarina (flute-style instrument) and I've been trying to learn that. So I guess a hobby of mine is the never-ending process of becoming a jack-of-all-trades.

Q.  What is your ultimate career goal?

Hmm. This one is kind of tough. There's so many different things that I would enjoy doing. Some things that come to mind are: graphic designer for Marvel, traveling freelance graphic designer, owning my own design firm. Wherever I end up, I just want to be a great graphic designer.

Q.  What gives your life meaning?  Besides career goals, what else do you hope to accomplish?

College and the transition into the "real world" have helped me better come to terms with who I am and what I want out of life. It's become less about making more money or being famous and become more about happiness. I want to do things that make me happy, both at work and at home. I want to be successful by my own terms, not anyone else's. Which means I'm living comfortably and doing things that I genuinely enjoy.

Q.   What is your general impression of Portales, and ENMU?

I've always felt that ENMU isn't a part of Portales. It just feels like its own little town or village. I think the campus is beautiful and I love to take walks here. Portales is okay. Wish there were maybe just a few more restaurants. :)


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