How to Make the Most of Your Summer

Grass and shoes
Shaylee Moon, an ENMU student, shares five summer activities.

How to Make the Most of Your Summer

Classes are wrapping up, finals will be over in no time and I can almost feel the summer sunshine on my face. As college students, we have an entire summer off to relax, learn and explore. Ultimately, your summer vacation will be whatever you want it to be, as long as you put in the effort to make it the best summer yet.

Take Summer Classes

I know, I just said that summer is the perfect time for relaxation, but Eastern New Mexico University offers a variety of online and in-person classes that you can take over the summer. By taking classes over the summer, you are lightening the load of credits in semesters to come. Check out the course catalog for more information on which classes are offered this summer.


Summer is the perfect time to get together with friends and go to a concert or take a road trip. Before summer is over, take a trip to your dream location in another state or country. For a road trip, there are so many great locations in New Mexico that you can visit, including the Blue Hole, Carlsbad Caverns and White Sands.

Plan a Staycation

If you don't have the funds to take a summer vacation, substitute it for a staycation. In Portales, you can visit museums or sights in the area, or if you are home for the summer, become a tourist for the day in your own town. After you spend the day exploring, pamper yourself at home and relax with a new book or show. 

Learn a Skill

Have you ever wanted to learn a new language or to cook but just never had the time? Over the summer, you can take classes or simply devote some of your time to learning a new skill.  Don't be scared to leave your comfort zone and do something new; summer is the ideal time to explore and find hobbies you enjoy.

Get an Internship

Get in contact with professionals with careers in your degree field and arrange an internship for the summer. This will allow you to focus on your job duties without worrying about responsibilities that you have during the regular school year. In addition, having an internship will fill your resume with experience and references that you will have long after college.


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