I love finding the perfect place to take a great photo. If you are looking for the best places to take pictures at Eastern New Mexico University, here are my suggestions:
This glass art in the Communication Center is a cool backdrop for indoor shots. It even lights up at night!
The Runnels Gallery in the Golden Student Success Center (GSSC) is flooded with natural lights and lovely art.
Studio effect. This setting in the GSSC is not only a cool study spot, but great for selfies and group shots!
Prefer the outdoors? This tree alcove outside of the Jack Williamson Liberal Arts (JWLA) Building is one of the best spots on campus.
Love beautiful skies with a blend of green and autumn colors? This elevated lawn outside of the Music Building is perfect for you.
Enjoy the gazebo and brick effect? We have some gazebos around the campus for you! This one is located outside of JWLA.
An alley of trees with the surrounding green lawns; beautiful, huh? Pictures can be taken from different angles at this spot near the center of campus.
I love that I can perch on this boulder and have the backdrop of this stone art, which even illumines at night.
A lovely play of art and nature! I love that I have a lot of angles to play with at the sculpture garden outside of the GSSC. I am sure you will, too!
I'm feeling on top of the world! The boulders around campus can give this effect.