Ten students from Eastern New Mexico University share their advice on how to make the most of your semester, from finding the best place to study to staying organized.

Name: Joshua Alvarez Favela
Major: Communicative Disorders
Classification: Senior
Student organizations to try: If you want to be involved on campus, joining ASENMU, ASAB and/or going Greek will help you grow as an individual and make your college experience better.
Events to attend: If you are looking for something to do, check the ASAB calendar because they always have some fun stuff going on.
How to stay organized: Using a planner during the semester can help you stay on top of your homework, events and meetings.
How to do your best in a class: Communicating with my teacher about class work and seeking help about the material has helped me to do my best in class.
Best place to study: The Alley
Where to eat in on campus or in Portales: Something Different Restaurant. Try the Chicken Bowl.

Name: Wesley Malcolm
Major/Minor: Health Physical Education, emphasis in Health and Wellness
Classification: Sophomore
Student organizations to try: Going Greek, because you will have something to do. It also gives you opportunities to get job experience and travel.
Events to attend: Attend all the events put on by ASAB because they are a lot of fun and it keeps you busy.
How to stay organized: Be proactive instead of reactive. Have a planner and a calendar in your room.
How to do your best in a class: Attending class, showing up on time and, if you need help, reach out to faculty during their office hours.
Best place to study: UCC building or with friends or Golden Library
Where to eat on campus or in Portales: If you have a tight budget always go to the CUB, La Paz, Thai City, El Rancho and Something Different Restaurant.

Name: Alejandro Torres
Major/Minor: Criminal Justice and Sociology
Classification: Sophomore
Student organizations to try: Go Greek. Greek Life is fun and opens many opportunities.
Events to attend: All the events you can. Other students coordinate them, so it is in their interest to make it fun and helps you to keep busy.
How to stay organized: Don't procrastinate. Be proactive, do what you need to get done.
How to do your best in a class: Show up to class and do the work. That is the most important thing.
Best place to study: The Golden Library with classmates
Where to eat on campus or in Portales: The WOW in the CUB, El Rancho, McDonald's and Thai City

Name: Allyson Nieto
Major/Minor: Social Work/ Physical Education
Classification: Junior
Student organizations to try: Greek Life allows you to meet people who have the same goals. It is also a great way to receive community service hours.
Events to attend: Any ASAB event. They are always so fun and there are new events offered on a weekly basis.
How to stay organized: Invest in a planner. I would not be able to survive without one. Also, make sure you at least have one hour a day for yourself, so you don't get too stressed out.
How to do your best in a class: Form a study group; they really work. When you have a big project coming up, begin working on it a couple of weeks before the due date.
Best place to study: Anywhere on campus that provides a quiet space.
Where to eat on campus or in Portales: Thai City, try the Lo Mein. Cowboy Chuck Wagon, try the Brisket Tacos or a Keith Burger with Ribbon Fries.

Name: Patricia Duran
Major: Master of Arts in Communication
Classification: Graduate Student
Student organizations to try:
- ASAB because you get to plan every fun event at Eastern.
- Intramurals because it keeps you active as a non-athlete and you can make new friends
- University Singers. You can learn to sing, and it's not intimidating as being a professional musician/vocalist. It is open to all majors.
Events to attend: EVERYTHING, especially Homecoming! Why miss out on a tradition everyone talks about for years to come? You also have multiple opportunities to win free Eastern gear.
How to stay organized: Get a planner. Every Monday, go through your syllabus and Blackboard to find due dates and write them in your planner for the upcoming week. Same goes for social events. I also highlight each task when I'm done.
How to do your best in a class: Always go to class and do your homework assignments! Even if you have no idea what you're doing, every professor at ENMU will gladly explain things to you if you ask for help.
Best place to study: The design lab in the Communication Building.
Where to eat on campus or in Portales: Something Different Restaurant. Try every spud and every teriyaki bowl available.

Name: Alondra Coss
Major: Social Work
Classification: Freshmen
Student organizations to try and why: Greek life, because you get to meet amazing people.
Events to attend: Cultural events, because it is always good to learn something different.
How to stay organized: Have a planner to help stay organized, have different color pens.
How to do your best in a class: Flashcards, take good notes, go to class.
Best place to study: The Golden Library
Where to eat on campus or in Portales: Thai City (try the sushi), Cowboy Chuck Wagon, AJ's Wings and Hong Kong Buffet

Name: Christopher D. Salazar
Major: University Studies
Classification: Senior
Student organizations to try: Whatever suits your interests!
Events to attend and why: Karaoke nights are a fun way to relieve stress and to sing along to your favorite song with your peers.
How to stay organized: Planners, colored tabs and a sheer will to live.
How to do your best in a class: Actually go to class, participate in the discussion, take notes and ask questions.
Best place to study: The lobby of the SAS building
Where to eat on campus or in Portales: Try the fajitas at El Rancho, they are delicious.

Name: Samuel McConnell
Major/Minor: Elementary Education and minor in Social Studies
Classification: Sophomore
Student organizations to try: Do what you like to do.
Events to attend: Everything!
How to stay organized: Plan ahead.
How to do your best in a class: Go to class!
Best place to study: On campus under a tree.
Where to eat on campus or in Portales: On campus: Zime. Off-campus: Roosevelt Brewing Company and La Paz.

Name: Jessica Daugherty
Major/Minor: Communication/Journalism
Classification: Senior
Student organizations to try: Think of something you enjoy, and there is probably a club for it on campus. Don't be afraid to explore and try something new.
Events to attend: I think it's important to attend a variety of events so you can experience everything that ENMU has to offer.
How to stay organized: Get a weekly planner and actually use it. They are great for keeping yourself on track.
How to do your best in a class: Find the method that helps you retain information the best and then stick with it.
Best place to study: Lobby of the SAS building
Where to eat on campus or in Portales: I buy the iced coffee from Starbucks in the Education Building because I need it to survive.

Name: Eva Dugas
Major/Minor: Elementary/Special Education
Classification: Junior
Student organizations: VOICES, because we are awesome people who love helping in the community and on campus.
Events to attend: Any events that interest you. There are so many events for all types of people.
How to stay organized: I still use a planner. It really helps me to see what is up and coming!
How to do your best in a class: I always stay on top of assignments. If I need help, I turn to the professor and attend their office hours.
Best place to study: Anywhere you feel comfortable.
Where to eat on campus or in Portales: El Rancho. Try the enchiladas.