5 Tips for Passing Your Classes

5 Tips for Passing Your Classes

1. You Have the Power

If you are like me at this point of the semester with only a few weeks left of school and are scrambling for ideas to pick up your grade in a class, I have some solutions. First, you need to believe that you have what it takes to pass your course. What I mean by that is to find every possible way to find anything that could bump up your grade. You have the ability and power to change your situation.

2. Think Positive

Once some people see their grade lowering, they tend to give up. I encourage you to push through and try to find ways to increase your grade. Don't be that individual that throws a fit and accepts the grade without doing anything about it. Keep a mental note to never give in although stress might be creeping in. Find motivation and keep thinking positive. This type of thinking will help you in the long run and create confidence in your situation. 

3. Take Action

In all circumstances of life, you must create a battle plan. How are you going to bump up your grade? Here are some of the things I have done in the past that have helped me:

  • Ask your professor for any extra credit points they are willing to offer, trust me they help!
  • Ask your professor if you can make up missing assignments.
  • Ask your professor for an extra assignment to be given to the whole class.
  • Study extra hard with a group for your next exam.
  • Get some tutoring.

4. Think Outside the Box

Ah, winter courses are a life saver! Towards the last two weeks of school, the University will offer courses during the winter break. These 8-hour online courses could help you raise your GPA. Try one!

5. Learn From It

I would take this experience and learn from it. This happens to students all the time, and it's normal to be in a tight situation. I encourage you to learn from it and make sure it doesn't happen again. Think ahead for next semester and anticipate to get an "A" in the class. Don't settle for failure or mediocracy, really try to make your semester worthwhile. Be attentive to your professors and make a fierce strategic game plan to guarantee success. You got this!


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