7 Steps to Choosing a Major

We have MAJOR-ly awesome tips to help you pick a major.
We have MAJOR-ly awesome tips to help you pick a major.

7 Steps to Choosing a Major

Choosing a major can be a stressful process. It can lead to so many unanswered questions: What if I don't like the major I choose? Can I change my major once I start? Am I going to be stuck in this career for the rest of my life? Luckily, we have some answers that will ease the overwhelming choice and help you enjoy your college career path.

1. Keep yourself in mind.

There are many cool career paths out there. When choosing a major, consider your strengths and weaknesses. What do you enjoy doing? What career incorporates those activities? Though this is typically the most common piece of advice a college student will get, it is very valuable.

2. Consider your lifestyle.

With each career you consider, it will offer a lifestyle of its own. Think of your lifestyle now. Do you work well under pressure? Are you a morning person, or a night owl? These are important things to consider when choosing a major. Think about your lifestyle preferences and what will make you happy in a future career.

3. Do your research.

Now that you have thought about your lifestyle and identified your strengths and weaknesses, it's time to do some research. The internet is a great place to start, but there are a plethora of other resources as well. Look up salaries, unemployment rates in the field, the process for working your way up and more. Get as much information about the career fields that interest you as possible. Have coffee or set up an interview with someone in your desired career field and ask them any questions you may have. Read books about those fields or read a day in life blog. There is so much information out there. It's up to you to find it.

4. Be open-minded.

Don't be afraid to research a career field that you haven't considered before. Even if it doesn't sound appealing at first, don't hesitate to keep an open mind and explore new ideas. Maybe the perfect career for you is waiting to be discovered unexpectedly. You can view the many different degree plans Eastern offers here: http://www.enmu.edu/academics/degrees-programs/undergraduate-degree. Also try experimenting topics of interest by enrolling in courses of various subject areas. It's never a waste of time or money to try something new when searching for a major. It will be well worth it in the long-run.

5. Talk to a career counselor.

It's okay to still feel lost after doing your research and trying out classes. I remember when I was determining a major, I had difficulty choosing because I could see myself doing so many different things. I wanted to learn about everything. If you find yourself in this position, try to find an unbiased, honest friend to talk to or schedule an appointment with a career counselor. You can schedule an appointment at ENMU by calling 575.562.2211 or going to the Office of Counseling and Career Services in SAS 232. Discuss all of your options and any questions you may be facing. Talking out your options and your thoughts will aid you in this process.

6. Choose a major.

Now that you have thought about all of your options, you may be ready to choose a major. Congratulations! You can declare your major of choice through filling out the declaration form here: http://www.enmu.edu/academics/academic-resources-services/advising/advising-center/declare-a-major

7. Change is a good thing.

Choosing a major isn't a death sentence. It doesn't mean you will be stuck doing one thing for the rest of your life. After all, interests change, right? According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average American changes his/her career up to three times during his/her lifetime. Your college degree will boost you into the working world and give you an advantage over those who don't have degrees. A degree will help you in numerous ways, even if it may not be in the career field you end up in. So relax and enjoy the ride of getting your education. You can always change your major if you see a better option along the way.



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