3 ENMU Freshman Questions, Answered.

Welcome to ENMU! Are you wondering what you need to bring to the dorms or how to login to the campus computers? An ENMU student answers your questions.
Welcome to ENMU! Are you wondering what you need to bring to the dorms or how to login to the campus computers? An ENMU student answers your questions.

3 ENMU Freshman Questions, Answered.

Which way is north?

Portales is laid out on a 45 degree angle, so getting around campus can be tough when your sense of direction is skewed.

To get your sense of direction together, make mental notes about notable buildings on campus.

A general rule of thumb I have heard over the years is that the Harry Potter building, also known as the Administration Building, is north, and the Campus Union Building is south.

When I was a freshman, the scavenger hunt during Dawg Days made my collegiate life so much easier. Sure, we were running around campus sweating and dying of thirst, but I figured out the general area of my classes, dorms and campus resources.

If you are still confused, luckily your smart phones have a compass feature.

If that doesn't work, and you are still confused, ask someone for help. Portales is not called "home to 17,000 friendly people" for no reason.

Disclaimer: If you happen to run into one of the "three or four old grouches" mentioned on that sign, we apologize on their behalf.

2. How do I login to campus computers?

I almost failed my first college assignment because I didn't know how to login so I could print out my assignment.

Embarrassed, I asked the guy sitting next to me if I could print my assignment off his computer. He was kind enough to let me use 15 pages of his printing limit. I never had the chance to thank him because I was running late. So, thanks, dude.

The following year, I saw too many freshmen struggling to login, then curiously, and nonchalantly, looking around at everyone around them logging into their computer's fine. They truly looked horrified, so I told them the secret.

Upon registering, you will be given a student I.D. number to set up your ENMU Portal login information. Use your username and password for Portal to login into all campus computers. Ta-da!

If you ever need help logging in, call the HelpDesk at 575.562.4357.

3. What do I bring to the dorms?

I'm not sure if it was just me, but I forgot so many things when moving into the dorms. I made about five separate trips to the store my first few days.

I forgot school supplies, hangers, storage bins, a trashcan, command strips for decorations, a cable chord, laundry detergent, change for the laundry room, a shower curtain, toilet paper and cleaning supplies.

I had quite a few "Duh!" moments, but what I could not figure out was why I placed a gigantic teddy bear on my must-have list for college instead of school supplies. I suppose I was too excited.

Everyone forgets some essentials during move-in, because every store in town will be out of stock by the end of the week.


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