4 Tips for Surviving Eastern's Unpredictable Weather Days

4 Tips for Surviving Eastern's Unpredictable Weather Days

What is the weather like this week? Are you afraid to go out in a long sleeve shirt because you will be roasting by the end of the day? Or did you dress nice today, only to discover that your super fly outfit has been ruined by the rain?

Whatever your case may be today, I am going to tell you a few of my tips for surviving those unpredictable weather days.

Tip one: Buy an umbrella!

Don't own one? Buy one! You are in college now and that means even if you think there is a crazy snow blizzard or that the school is going to flood, your professor or boss may not agree at all with you. Sorry, you still have to show up places and no one wants to show up drenched in water.

Buy an umbrella; it does not have to be a fancy one. Just buy one that protects you and is easy to carry around. If you own an umbrella but keep forgetting it at home, try carrying it in your car, backpack or purse.

Tip two: Keep your favorite hoodie/sweater/cardigan handy.

I prefer to keep an extra hoodie in my car. That way if I need one at any point in the day, I can just use my hoodie. If the one I am wearing gets wet, I have a back-up.

Tip three: Know your campus areas.

Find out whether an area on campus tends to flood. If you know of those areas avoid parking there even if it isn't raining. This can save you on time and shoes those days when it rains unexpectedly. You would be surprised what a struggle it can be getting in your car.

If you have to walk everywhere figure out what path to take rain or sun. If there aren't any, take a short cut in-between buildings.

Tip Four: If you need to dress nice, check twice.

Make sure to take the weather into consideration when dressing nicely. Check the weather once before you go to bed and a second time as soon as you wake up. If it's going to be an unpredictable day, try to wear a light sweater. If it becomes too warm, you can take it off or pull the sleeves up.

Hope my tips help you survive the ever-changing weather!



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