News Archive

July 2023

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 5 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Success Spotlight

Sajan KC Shares his Passion of Lepidopterology

Sajan's main goal is to become an entomologist, more specifically, he wants to become a lepidopterist, a scientist who studies butterflies. Sajan KC is currently attending Eastern New Mexico Univer... read more..


Eastern New Mexico University Professor Awarded Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Grant

Eastern New Mexico University Assistant Professor of Career Technical Education Jihyun Woo, was awarded with the Fulbright-Hays Group Project Abroad grant for the 23-24 school year. Portales, NM – ... read more..


ENMU's Dr. Kalynn Baldock Selected as a Member of the 2023 Class of E. Kika De La Garza Fellows

Kalynn Baldock, Assistant Professor of Agriculture and Department Chair of the Agriculture, Food Science and Kinesiology at ENMU was selected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as one of 30 faculty... read more..

Alumni Success

Alumni Success Stories - Hannah Floyd

Hannah Floyd graduated from Eastern New Mexico University in 2018 with a master’s in Communicative Disorders. Hannah Floyd graduated from Eastern New Mexico University in 2018 with a master’s in Co... read more..

Alumni Success

ENMU Alumni Loves Learning from Students in New Position at UW

Tydings wanted to major in Biology because she said, "Those subjects always came really naturally to me," Justine has a longstanding family history in Portales, New Mexico. Justine Tydings graduate... read more..

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