News Archive

December 2022

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 4 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

Chancellor Caldwell Retires After 42 Years of Selflessly Serving Students

In January of 2023, Dr. Caldwell will be stepping down from her role as chancellor and president, taking on a new challenge-retirement. ENMU Chancellor Dr. Patrice Caldwell has been a member of the... read more..

John Houser

Eastern New Mexico University Named Safest University in New Mexico for 2023, the market leader in connecting colleges and schools with students and families online, has ranked Eastern New Mexico University as the safest University in New Mexico for 2023. Apply no... read more..

John Houser

Getting to know the new ENMU President and Chancellor Dr. James Johnston

Get to know our new ENMU President and Chancellor, Dr. James Johnston, with this interview conducted by Doc Elder ... read more..

Alumni Success

Greyhound Grad Reflects on how Eastern Shaped his Career

Bobby Benally revisits his days as a Greyhound, as well as discussing his career today as a producer/anchor at KCBD news channel in Lubbock, TX. What is your name, where do you work, and where ar... read more..

Results 1 - 4 of 4