News Archive

February 2019

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 17 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Eastern Experience

10 Fun Activities in Portales

Shaylee Moon, an ENMU student, shares her favorite activities to do in the local area, including attending games at Steve Loy Family Foundation Stadium.Eastern New Mexico University offers a great var... read more..

Alumni Success

Greyhound Grad Assists Students as Financial Aid Specialist at ENMU

Heidi Crates enjoys being able to "help students as they transition into the next step in their lives by providing loan counseling and being able to help current students understand why financial lite... read more..

Success Spotlight

ENMU Business Administration Major Ready for Real Estate Career

"I hope to find a job that I love in real estate, where I would show houses and try to sell them to the best of my abilities," says Christa Bratcher. "I hope to one day invest in my own real estate bu read more..

Success Spotlight

ENMU Theatre Major Eager to Make a Name for Herself

"I'd like to stage manage a show," says Sara Bracamonte. "Being involved with a production in any aspect would be amazing."Sara Bracamonte, a freshman at Eastern New Mexico University, chose to major read more..

Academic Highlights
Desiree Cooper

ENMU Students Win Quiz Bowl and Present Research at Annual Meeting for the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society

Members of the ENMU student chapter of the Wildlife Society made an impact at the 52nd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico chapters of the Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries So... read more..

Eastern Experience

How to Make a Successful Study Group

Dillon Korte, an ENMU student, shares how to strengthen your study group.You were supposed to be prepping for that "Math 113" final at 2 o'clock. It is now 3:20, and Bill is playing billiards on his p... read more..

Success Spotlight

Online ENMU Student Plans to Become a Certified Public Accountant

"I want to help those who cannot afford to go to school. I came from a third-world country, and I've seen what real poverty looks like," explains Peedee Lee, who is majoring in accounting and personal read more..

Success Spotlight

ENMU Management Student Wants to Own a Recording Studio

"I have always loved music. I decided on this major so I could work in the music industry from the business side," says Ian Hausenfleck, who plans to graduate with a bachelor's degree in management wi read more..

Alumni Success
Desiree Cooper

Greyhound Grad Accepted into Medical School

River Fine, who graduated from ENMU with a bachelor's degree in biology in May 2018, was recently accepted into the Central Michigan College of Medicine and the University of New Mexico School of Medi... read more..

Eastern Experience

Music to Tune Out With While Going to Your Next Class

Looking for something new to listen to? Dillon Korte, an ENMU student, recommends four bands/artists to check out.Sometimes you just need to escape the tension and stress of anticipating your next cla... read more..

Success Spotlight

ENMU International Student Hopes to Make a Change in Kenya as Oncologist

"I come from a country where health is a huge problem. I decided on this field so that one day I can go back home to my country and serve my people by offering the best health care facility to them," read more..

Success Spotlight

ENMU Student Comes to America with a Dream to Change Children's Lives

"I want to inspire young minds to be the change in the world that they want to see and become world citizens that love, respect and spread kindness to everyone they come across," says Rashi Hemnani.Bo read more..

Academic Highlights
Desiree Cooper

ENMU Receives B Rating on NMPED Educator Program Scorecard

The Eastern New Mexico University College of Education and Technology received a B rating on the Educator Preparation Program Scorecard from the New Mexico Public Education Department. This is a revis... read more..

Eastern Experience

Coolest Things about the Jack Williamson Collection in the GSSC

Dillon Korte, an ENMU student, discusses some of his favorite finds within the Jack Williamson Collection. The Golden Student Success Center (GSSC) is a good place to study, to hang out with your fri... read more..

Academic Highlights
Desiree Cooper

ENMU Students and Faculty Publish Peer-Reviewed Review Article

Dr. Manuel Varela and several ENMU students had their peer-reviewed review article published in the December 2018 issue of "Current Trends in Microbiology."Dr. Manuel Varela, professor of biology at E... read more..

Success Spotlight

ENMU Softball Player Plans to Help People as Physical Therapist

"I want to be able to help as many athletes and individuals as I can to get them back to 100 percent," says Adriana Carabajal.Adriana Carabajal is majoring in physical education with an emphasis in he read more..

Success Spotlight

ENMU Communication Major Hopes to Inspire Young Women

Ebony Baty, a communication major with an emphasis in broadcast journalism and a minor in theatre, plans to pursue a career as a journalist and maybe even host her own show.Ebony Baty, a communication... read more..

Results 1 - 17 of 17