M'zondwase Mumba graduated from Eastern New Mexico University this spring with a master's degree in business administration. Using Handshake, a career networking platform, and attending a career fair hosted by the ENMU Office of Counseling and Career Services, M'zondwase found a job as a staff accountant at Barr and Company LLP Roswell, New Mexico.
The Greyhound Grad, who obtained a Bachelor of Science in Aviation Science from ENMU in fall 2019, discusses starting her career and her Eastern Experience.

What inspired you to become a staff accountant?
Interestingly, I did not know how much I was enjoying accounting courses up until I became a graduate assistant and tutored students; it came more naturally than most things. So, when Wendy Gillman in the Office of Counseling and Career Services told me of an opportunity, I quickly got in contact, and the rest is history.
How did using Handshake and attending a career fair help you get hired for this job?
I am an international student, so knowing it had a feature that could help me filter out non-OPT or sponsorship jobs was helpful. All the career fairs I went to helped me know my interests and what fields I would most likely want to be in.
What are your job duties?
I prepare tax returns, payments, necessary paperwork and reports, assess and research difficult tax issues to identify solutions and ensure clients comply with regulations by forwarding required information to federal, state and local authorities. I offer support and guidance during audits, keep track of industry trends and changes related to taxes and prepare accurate quarterly and annual tax reports.
What are your short- and long-term goals for this position?
My short-term goal is to become a skilled tax accountant. My long-term goal is to get my CPA license and be a skilled CPA.
Where have you worked previously?
I was a graduate assistant for the College of Business and Title V, an office assistant for the Golden Library, a microbiology lab assistant and an office assistant for Aviation Science.
How did ENMU prepare you for your career?
It prepared me through the accounting professors I had, with Dr. Deborah Corbin, the MBA coordinator, being one of the most motivating and encouraging people I met here.

What advice would you give to a student interested in working in your career field?
Know yourself; it may take time, but it's important. I was in between accounting and marketing, and I went with accounting because I realized I enjoy numbers.
Why did you choose to attend ENMU?
It was my grand uncle, who lives in Albuquerque, who thought it would be a good school for me as it was affordable and in a small town.
How did you choose your field of study?
My dream is to become an airline pilot. As I start working, that is what I am saving for. It came so naturally to be in aviation and business because I enjoyed and had an interest in both.
Which activities were you involved in at ENMU, and which academic honors did you receive?
I was on the dean's list from fall 2017 to spring 2019. I had an international student scholarship as an undergraduate student, and I was chosen for the Christian Rojas scholarship for two years.
I was part of the International Club and crowned as Ms. International Talent in 2016. I was part of the Spanish club for two years.
Discuss your Eastern Experience.
My experience at Eastern has been wonderful; I have some cousins coming here after I leave because I told them about it. My professors have all been great, but the one professor that I would call my favorite turned into my supervisor the semester that followed: Dr. Robert Schneider.
My favorite classes were things I could relate to; all my aviation classes I enjoyed the most, and for the business classes, I felt more connected to my parents as they both are in the industry in different areas. As for yearly activities, I enjoyed the Homecoming parade. I was able to work it or be part of it for some years.

Tell us about your family and background.
I am the firstborn of three. My brother is studying electrical engineering in Wales, England, and my sister, age 10, is back home with my parents in Zambia. I was born and raised there and came to the United States in 2015. My father is a director at ILISO engineering consultancy, and my mother is a businesswoman who runs an auto spare store.
Who influences you? Who is your role model?
My parents. I have seen how hard they have worked to give my siblings and me a better life.
What are your hobbies?
Baking, crafting and taking long walks.
Share an interesting fact about yourself.
I have made friends from all continents except for Australia due to family travels and being at Eastern New Mexico University.