ENMU Grad's Adventure in Africa

ENMU Grad's Adventure in Africa

photo meghan 303 Story by Wendel Sloan
Communication Services

"Seeing the excitement in their eyes about what they are going to be able to teach their children was very fulfilling.” – Meghan Wall

Meghan Wall, who graduated with a bachelor’s in university studies with emphasis in music and humanities from Eastern New Mexico University in May, is visiting Africa with Calvary Road Ministries.

Mrs. Wall is traveling with her husband, Chris. The duo arrived in Kenya on May 28, went to Zambia on June 9 and will return to the United States on June 19.

They visited Rift Valley and Maasai Mara in Kenya and Lasaka, Zambia, where they stayed in the Calvary Road Ministries Mission House and several hotels.

“We’re teaching the teachers in Kenya how to use the story cloth, an evangelistic tool covered with stories of the Bible, in primarily oral learning nations,” she said.

“Most of the teachers know the stories of the Bible already, but we teach them songs about spelling, counting and all school subjects,” she continued.

“We teach them to use the Bible to teach science, geography and the English language”

They attended a Pastors conference in Zambia to do more story cloth work.

The alumnae member of Chi Omega women’s fraternity is enjoying African cuisine, including roasted goat and Ugali.

“Ugali is a traditional Kenyan dish that is like masa with all the water cooked out of it,” she explained. “I recommend lots of ketchup.”

Mrs. Wall said there “are too many cultural differences between the U.S. and Africa to name; there aren’t many similarities. The culture shock has been very difficult.

“There are many poor people that live on the streets. It's hard not being able to help everyone. Despite this, the people make sure to shake every guest’s hand and are extremely polite.”

The part of the trip the former choir member was the most excited for was the Safari Drive, where she spent a day at a wild game reserve in Massai Mara. photo africa 601

“We saw lions, elephants, giraffes and many other animals. It was incredible seeing wild animals in their natural habitat instead of a zoo,” said Mrs. Wall.

The former Circle K International member, who will continue her full-time job with the accounting department at a credit union in Clovis after the trip, advises those planning to travel to Africa to “make sure you have the proper medicine and vaccinations before coming. Drinking any kind of water except bottled water is a bad idea.

“You are the different one here. People will be staring, taking pictures of you and trying to sell things to you because they know you are American and you probably have money.

" A firm no and no eye contact usually gets them off your back. Always stay with the group.”

Mrs. Wall’s favorite experience was “hearing the teachers hear the songs I taught them. Seeing the excitement in their eyes about what they are going to be able to teach their children was very fulfilling.”


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