#Greyhound Grad Works as FCC Attorney in D.C.

#Greyhound Grad Works as FCC Attorney in D.C.

photo Erin at Kilmainham Gaol in Ireland by Desiree M. Cooper
Communication Services

The Albuquerque native picked ENMU because she didn’t want to go to “University Near Mommy, a.k.a. UNM.”

Erin Griffith, an Eastern New Mexico University graduate, began working as an Attorney Advisor in the Auctions and Spectrum Access Division of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (ASAD/WTB) at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in August 2013 in Washington, D.C.

She is working on the upcoming Broadcast Television Incentive Auction, the mechanism the FCC will use to repurpose some over-the-air broadcast spectrum for wireless use.

“The Incentive Auction has often been referred to as a Rubik’s cube, which may illustrate one of the best parts of my job,” she explained.

“Working through the novel issues the auction presents has been time-consuming and complex, but helping to solve those issues has been extremely satisfying – kind of like when you finally get all the colors to line up on the cube.”

While pursuing bachelor degrees in public relations and political science at ENMU, Ms. Griffith took “Media Law” and “Constitutional Law.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the classes,” said the former ENMU policy and debate team member, who spent a semester working full-time in the D.C. Semester Program during law school.

“With my interest in media issues, I initially thought I would try to intern in the Media Bureau at the FCC. However, I ended up in the Wireless Bureau and loved every minute of my time working on wireless issues.”

The former News 3 New Mexico student staffer has “always loved the study of government and politics.”

Despite her interest in political science, she didn’t think that was a good career field for her during her time at ENMU.photo Erin in China 490

“I was convinced that I didn’t want to go to law school or become a professor, so I decided to major in communications and minor in political science,” said the 2009 graduate, who ended up getting a double major. “I loved each major too much to pick one. Both majors have served me well.”

The University of Georgia School of Law graduate chose to attend ENMU because of the small class sizes and degree programs. Another reason the Albuquerque native picked ENMU is because she didn’t want to go to “University Near Mommy, a.k.a. UNM.”

She worked as a student writer in Communication Services and for the Monday Memo while attending Eastern.

“Without fail, my favorite job previous to this one was working for Wendel in the Office of Communication Services.”

Her hobbies include “the usual:” reading, spending time with friends, swing dancing and checking things off her “to see and do in D.C.” list.

“D.C. has a seemingly endless supply of things to keep one occupied,” she said.

Ms. Griffith’s career goals are to have a “long and diverse career working as a telecom attorney, and, maybe someday, combine the legal side of my career with public relations or journalism.”


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