Meet ENMU Grad Jennifer Bradfute

Meet ENMU Grad Jennifer Bradfute


ENMU grad Jennifer Bradfute is featured in the 3-3-17 Greyhound Gazette. #ENMU #ENMUNEWS

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Q.  Before your current job, what jobs have you held since graduating from ENMU?

After graduating, my husband (Steven Bradfute) and I got married and I relocated to Houston, Texas, where Steven was working on his Ph.D.  I worked for a petrochemical company called The Plaza Group ("TPG").  At TPG I was the customer service manager and worked on interesting logistics issues.  The company focused on selling chemical by-products produced in the crude oil refining process to companies who produce goods for consumers (such as plastics, furniture, paint and cleaning materials).  Part of my job included managing a fleet of railcars which were dedicated to hauling the chemicals being sold.  I also managed hundreds a truck shipments throughout the United States.

In 2005, Steven had the opportunity to study Ebola in Frederick, Maryland.  We re-located to the East Coast and I worked for a transportation company located outside of Baltimore called John S. Connor, Inc.  In this position, I focused on importing large bulk machinery for plastic manufacturing companies into the United States and arranged for transportation into the U.S. and throughout the country.  This position prompted me to eventually go to law school.

I attended law school at George Mason University (now the Antonin Scalia Law School) while working part-time for various companies in the Maryland/D.C. area.  While attending law school, there was an opportunity to clerk at the Modrall Sperling Law Firm in Albuquerque and Steven and I decided that this could be a wonderful opportunity to come home to New Mexico.  After graduation, I then began working as an attorney at Modrall Sperling.

Q.  What is your official title, who do you work for, and where is your job located?

I am an attorney at Modrall Sperling in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Q.  What are the main duties of your job?

I primarily work on employment law and oil and gas industry issues.  I assist companies with regulatory compliance and in litigation.

Q.  What have you enjoyed most about your job, and what have been the biggest challenges?

I love helping people and companies.  My position at Modrall has provided me with opportunities to help companies doing business within the State grow and comply with complex regulatory requirements.  This is a wonderful opportunity to make a difference and help others when they are in the middle of stressful and challenging situations.

Q.  Where and when did you graduate from high school?

Eldorado High School, Albuquerque, N.M. in 1997

Q.  Where were you born, raised, and what was your life like growing up?

I was born and raised in Albuquerque and all of my family still lives here in the city.  I have one younger brother.  My father runs a small real estate appraisal company and my Mom teaches children, who need extra help, reading skills at Onante Elementary School.

Q.  Tell us about your own family?

My husband, Steven Bradfute, is my college sweetheart.  This month, we will have been married 15 years.  Steven is an immunologist at the U.N.M. Medical School, where he researches Ebola and Zika.  We have two wonderful kids.  My daughter, Ava, is eight-years-old and loves to dance and play violin.  My son, Elijah, is three-years-old and is a ball full of energy.

Q.  What are your hobbies?

When I am not practicing law, I am spending time with my family.

Q.  What is your ultimate career goal?

Right now, I am working to build my law practice and ultimately just want to keep doing what I am doing - which is helping others.

Q.  What gives your life meaning?  Besides career goals, what else do you hope to accomplish?

In life a focus on family and God is everything.  I think that in everything that we do, there is a way to give to other people (even in the practice of law).  So every day, I like to find small ways to give back to others. 

Q.  What were some of the activities you were involved in at ENMU?

I actively served in Student Government at Eastern.  In 1999, I was the Student Body Vice President and in 2000 I served as the Student Body President.  I also ran on the cross-country team, worked at the Student Union and am a member of Chi-Omega.

Q.   What are other memories you have of ENMU?

I loved my time at Eastern!  It is a wonderful school and I still am in touch with so many great people who I met there.


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