ENMU Alumnus Working in Oil Business in West Texas

ENMU Alumnus Working in Oil Business in West Texas

He went for a business degree to help him progress his family's business in hospitality. They owned a bar/restaurant.

Yanez took a lot of health and physical education classes because he was interested in becoming a coach and being involved in athletics after college.

"The most interesting aspect to me," explained Yanez about business, "is the marketing aspect. I was always very intrigued in my marketing classes about how products are marketed to consumers. This was by far my favorite course section."

During his time at ENMU he played football and ran track on scholarship. Unfortunately, he repeatedly tore his hamstring muscles and was unable to continue with ENMU athletics. He was also a part of the Marketing Club.

"My most memorable times from ENMU are split in half. Early years were athletics; I played football and ran track on scholarship. Injury cut that short for me.

"The second half is comprised mostly of the memories of meeting some of the people that would become my best friends for life," explained Yanez.

One moment in particular was when he was singing for his band, Drowned in Sorrow, at a house party for his guitarist; it was their first show.

Another adventure with his band was playing for the Grand Opening of the World of Wings that used to be downstairs in the CUB.

"What an honor, but they didn't hear our music before booking us to play. Long story short, they were surprised with the ‘aggressiveness.' We played our set anyway and got paid in lots of wings; it was a great day," said Yanez.

Drowned in Sorrow is currently working on a new demo.

"I'm currently an IOC (Integrated Operations Center) Operator for the area. I coordinate natural gas flow from the field producers to the processing plant and out to Kinder Morgan El Paso Natural Gas. This has been a big 180 experience for me.

"I come from a background of mostly hospitality and sales positions. Very eye opening the amount of responsibility that is at my fingertips. In December of last year, the plant I currently work at experienced a major incident that was covered on the news worldwide. That sort of thing can be very unnerving at times," said Yanez.

The schedule, drive time and working over night shifts are the most challenging aspect of his job.

"All have taken some getting used to. A 13-hour day with two-hour drive times has become the norm working here," said Yanez.

Yanez is in a serious long-term relationship and his immediate family works out of Carlsbad and Ruidoso, New Mexico.

"We have three family-owned Mexican restaurants with another one scheduled to open soon," said Yanez.

The restaurant is called Lucy's.

He is an avid home brewer and fitness fanatic.

"The two tend to get in the way of each other, but it keeps me balanced. I am currently on prep for a fitness show in November, and also working on my personal training certification," said Yanez.

He feels his biggest accomplishment so far in life is being best man in his best friend Ryan Salcido's wedding and being the godfather of Ryan and his wife Savanna's first-born daughter. The Salcidos are also ENMU alumni.

"I've had two mentors in my life that I have followed wholeheartedly. Sadly, they have both passed, but the lessons I have learned from them stick with me every day and I always ask myself what they would think about what I'm doing and any major decision or event in my life.

"My stepfather, Mike, was an open and straightforward man who taught me what it was to be honest and find the best in every situation. My grandfather Justo taught me what it means to be a man and work hard to do your best to take care of your family," said Yanez.

Yanez said he went to ENMU initially to continue to pursue his athletic career.

"I was not ready to give up playing football and I believed I was just as good as anyone; I just needed the chance to show it. Life happens, you get hurt, and you get dismissed."

He stayed at ENMU because of the people, the culture and because it felt like home.

"I met some of the most influential people in my life, and experienced life on my own and who I was and could be. I wouldn't trade my time spent there for any ‘big time' school anywhere.

"I am proud to be a Greyhound."

More photos available on the GG Instagram page >



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