Student Success Stories - Esther Kipkoech

Student Success Stories - Esther Kipkoech

My name is Esther Kipkoech I am from Kenya I am a senior graduating in May. I am getting a degree in forensic science with an emphasis in biology and a minor in criminal justice. After I graduate I want to work as a forensic nurse.

Tell us about yourself.

I was born and raised in Kenya until I moved here four years ago. I am the fourth out of six children. I love being outdoors, I love reading, and when I moved here to the US I came with a scholarship for track and field so I love working out.

Why did you choose to attend ENMU?

So there was a Kenyan who was here before me and he was in the track team and would visit home. So we used to run together and when I finished high school we were talking and then he told me about Eastern New Mexico University and he was friends with the coach. I continued practicing and then coach offered me a scholarship. Getting a scholarship I felt it was a good thing to come and continue with my studies as I do something that I like running and that's how I ended up here at Eastern and I was offered a full scholarship and that's how I just ended up at Eastern New Mexico more than 10 000 miles away from home.

Why did you choose your field of study?

When I was a little girl I remember when my dad and I used to go to town or in the city. I used to see police officers on the road doing the traffic check and everything and then I tell I told my dad I want to be like them someday. I also loved science so just coming here to Eastern and having criminal justice and forensic science I love science and just incorporating them together is how I ended up it's just my passion.

 What do you hope to ultimately achieve in your career?

I want to be a doctor of forensic nursing or I'm also interested in pathology if I don't end up getting into the doctorate program of forensic nursing I would like to be a pathologist and go to medical school for that yes that is the ultimate goal and whatever it takes I'm going to go for it.

What is your favorite part about being a Greyhound?

My favorite part about being a Greyhound is the people who are here at Eastern, and just being able to identify as a Greyhound. People are so friendly here, people are very nice, people are amazing and especially coming from a different culture. I remember coming here and I was so scared if I'll be able to you know fitting in very well but just coming and meeting other Greyhounds I think that's my favorite part about it. People are very nice and people you can talk to anyone at any time and you would not get discriminated or anything so that's just my favorite part about being a Greyhound.

Have you earned any academic honors here at ENMU?

I've been on the dean’s list and last year I was on the team list and also my junior year I was able to be the recipient of the most outstanding foreign students.

Have you been involved in any activates outside of the classroom?

I was on the track team from freshman year to junior year I was on the track team, I was also involved with the Multicultural Affairs. So when I am not in class I am with the Multicultural Affairs just enjoying the amazing people there.

Where is your favorite location on ENMU campus?

Multicultural Affairs because of all the people I have met and the Library on campus because it is beautiful!

Which professors helped mentor you the most?

I would say my advisor Dr. Cradock he's been really influential in my journey especially in forensic science and he's been someone I've always been able to talk to about my academics about what I'm planning to do in career-wise and he has been able to really help me a lot so yeah his Dr. Cradock has been very influential in in my academic life.

What has been your favorite class?

My favorite class I can say organic chemistry. It's a very hard class and the reason why I'm saying I enjoyed this class is because it has helped me get out of my comfort zone it's considered on of the hardest classes and just it has enabled me to learn more and understand that I can I can go beyond what my potential is and just making it making me go beyond my comfort zone is I think that's my favorite class.

What other dreams do you have?

Coming from Miles Away back home from a different country I have this vision and ambition in life. Once I get to where I really want to be and that I have won my goals that I've said I also want to go back home and you know be an advocate. Be a role model to people who Inspire I want to inspire a lot of people I want to motivate a lot of people and just I grew up in a community where other people came together to help me and become the person I am today so just going back and giving them what I've been able to achieve. I think it's very important to me, I have a lot of people who are looking at me the society so back home and I think it's very important for me to just go give back what I've been able to learn and be a role model to them.

What advice would you give to students interested in your field of study?

It's not an easy course like it needs a lot of determination it needs a lot of focus and you will have to get out of your comfort zone. You have to ask questions you have to go to your teachers consistently this is a course that you'll not only learn in class but you'll also have to go to your professors seek more advice to understand some things that you did not understand. What I will tell anyone interested in this course is just do it and make sure you understand that it's going to be a long road but it's worth it. It's definitely going to pay you back because it's just a nice course just incorporating like solving crimes through science. I think it's just fascinating about the reason why I mean it and anyone who wants to do it do it but make sure to learn how to get to your comfort zone.


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