ENMU MBA Student Aspires to Climb Engineering Career Ladder and Start a Business

Paige Luben, president-elect of the California State University East Bay Alumni Association.
Paige Luben, president-elect of the California State University East Bay Alumni Association.

ENMU MBA Student Aspires to Climb Engineering Career Ladder and Start a Business

paige luben with her daughter kalista
Paige with her daughter, Kalista.

Paige Luben is pursuing an online master's degree in business administration from Eastern New Mexico University to further her career opportunities. The San Francisco Bay Area resident is a part-time graduate assistant, a full-time engineer at Pear Therapeutics and a college and career advisor at a non-profit.

As a volunteer for her county, she oversees six court-appointed special advocates and is the president-elect of the Alumni Board at California State University, East Bay.

She discusses her career path and goals: "I am currently in a brand-new industry that I love and can see myself in for a long time. Being a part of a company that is literally the first of its kind is engaging and exciting.

"Our company also has the luxury of attracting top talent, making teammates not only a joy to work with but also excellent resources to learn from every day. In my career, I will now always pursue these attributes in a role and company.

"Ultimately, I would like to continue to progress into a strategic leadership position and perhaps one day lead my own company that I am equally passionate about."

Going for an MBA at ENMU "aligns with my career goals and builds on my bachelor's degree. It provides a foundation for a variety of paths to leadership and executive roles."

She continues, "I chose ENMU because it is a fully accredited university that had a fully remote MBA program at a low cost."

paige luben co chair
"Proud to be an ERG co-chair for work waiting for BART," says Paige.

Paige recommends the MBA Program to "many people because it gives you a broad scope of learnings that are applicable in many professions. It is also a very recognizable and esteemed degree."

The 4.0 student, who received the highest honors from the Honor Society and distinguished scholar from the Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement, shares that Dr. Robert Schneider in the College of Business has served as a mentor to her, providing both college and career advice.

She works with Dr. Mark Viner as a GA, researching online learning concerning discussion boards, feedback, assessment and media resources.

Her favorite course so far was Managerial Research Analysis because she "learned a lot of new things, and it was an interesting class."

Paige was born in Seoul, Korea, and raised in the Bay Area. She has three brothers and grew up in a traditional Christian home with a stay-at-home mother and a father who worked as an engineer. She has a daughter, Kalista, and will be a grandmother in February of 2022.

The ENMU student, who plans to graduate in the summer of 2022, dreams of making an impact on the world: "I value serving the community and will always be a part of non-profits and/or education.

"One day, I hope to be an inspiration to others. I was a single teenage mom that put myself through college by working full-time and giving up sleep. I had no support getting my bachelor's degree, and then after barely making it through college, I was met with the Great Recession.

"I have watched so many others struggle through a broken system and seen the impact it makes to have someone to look up to and say 'well they made so can I.'"
paige luben with daughter


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