Accounting Major Participated in Internship

Accounting Major Participated in Internship


He is involved on campus. He is a member of Business Club, Spanish Club, Vice President of Accounting and Finance Club, treasurer for the Thomas Moore Newman Center and secretary of the Delta Mu Delta Honor Society.

Mr. Mendoza was raised in Portales, New Mexico. He says that he would not want to leave Portales because he enjoys living in a place where he knows the community.

"I think this is a great place to be from. I love how small it is. I think it is a great home. Everyone is friendly and everyone knows each other. It is one of those things that one does not understand unless you are from here," said Mr. Mendoza.

He is happy he still lives at home because he can enjoy home-cooked meals and stay close to his siblings. He has a twin brother and two sisters. His older sister will graduate from Eastern this May.


Mr. Mendoza enjoys giving back to the community which is why he is participating in an internship in which accounting students help the community file their taxes for free.

"It is great to help the community this way because I understand how much of a hassle taxes can be," said the accounting student.

The internship has helped him with his people and time management skills.

"We are almost finished with the internship. We only have one week left. I am going to miss it. I got the opportunity to meet many wonderful people and was able to help them out and sometimes even make their day. It was an awesome experience," says Mr. Mendoza, "My advice to other accounting majors is to do the internship during the spring semester because it is great experience."

Mr. Mendoza is concentrating on his degrees, Accounting and Agricultural Business, and is still unsure of the direction he will take once he graduates.

"The beauty of getting a BBA and majoring in accounting is that I can do so much--auditing, taxes, consulting and banking," said the busy student.

He was raised on a ranch so agriculture is a big part of his life. He is currently working at Anderson dairy.

"I absolutely love working with cattle. That is the reason I decided to do the double major in agricultural business. I am honestly not sure what I want to do after I graduate but maybe I can combined my love for accounting and Ag business," explained Mr. Mendoza.

He has enjoyed his time at Eastern and is thankful for his professors. He is grateful for friendships he has made during his time here.

"I think the professors at eastern are very helpful and approachable. It is great how I can just go my professor's offices and have a conversation. I believe the professors are doing a great job preparing us for life after college. Especially our accounting professors, they do all they can to help us be successful. I truly believe I will be prepared for a career after school," says the grateful student.



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