Graduate Student Wants to Teach Abroad

Graduate Student Wants to Teach Abroad

She completed her undergraduate degree at ENMU and "enjoyed the classes and liked contributing to the pride of our state. My district also helped with some of the tuition costs, and has an agreement

with ENMU for a discount on classes.

"The professors have certainly been helpful both in undergrad and grad school. I have developed great friendships throughout my college career. Working with teams in classes throughout my college
career has been very enjoyable."

She recommends ENMU because of "the support of professors and camaraderie of classmates."

Brooke graduated Summa Cum Laude with a bachelor's degree, and is on track to graduate with a 4.0 for her master's.

The 1996 graduate of Roswell's Goddard High School was born in and spent her early childhood in Louisiana. She has lived in New Mexico since being a high school sophomore.

Her mother, a middle school teacher, and stepfather, an optometrist, live in Roswell.

Her father, a pipeline inspector, and stepmother, a laboratory technician, live in Louisiana.

Her brother is a chef in Colorado.

"We grew up camping and traveling to the Southwest. There were several vacations from Louisiana to New Mexico, Arizona or Colorado," Brooke said.

Her hobbies include cooking, wine tasting, gardening, art (creating her own, and the work of others), spending time with friends and family, but her greatest passion is traveling the world and learning about other cultures.

Teaching abroad in the mission field, or at international schools are both appealing.

Her dreams include "living in a European country, but I am open to the world. My husband and I have a very lofty goal list. We call it our ‘Life List' because a bucket list seems more about
the end of life and we don't want to wait to experience our dreams. We have many things checked off, but we add to it all the time."

Brooke says she is "not a materialistic person, and would rather collect memories than things. As a kindergarten teacher, I try to
stress the importance of keeping an adventurous mind to my students. Even my own children have asked for gifts of experience rather than tangible gifts. We have definitely planted the travel bug in our children."

She says you are "never too old, or too young to chip away at any goal. Align your priorities and get to work.

"An aunt inspired me to reach high when I was 20. She told me to make a plan and start chiseling.

"I am 38 and though I have accomplished many goals, I have so many to keep working towards."



















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