Joshua Alvarez is an Eastern New Mexico University senior and was recently crowned Homecoming King 2017. His major is communicative disorders with a minor in health and human services. His ultimate dream is to work for the Autism Speaks Organization in New York or Washington. Joshua hopes to land this job and plans on coming back to the Land of Enchantment to raise autism awareness throughout the state.
Where did you get your outfits (for Homecoming)?
I had my homecoming outfit ready prior to homecoming week because I just used what I already had in my closet. I knew it was going to be a crazy week with campaigning, helping set up for the events and participating in Songfest, so I wanted to be prepared before I would forget about what I was going to wear.
What is your most embarrassing story?
Falling off the treadmill in the MaxPac while I was working out.
Your go-to meal or guilty pleasure.
It would have to be getting a 20-piece nugget meal from McDonald's!
Who inspires you?
My family inspires me. It was really hard leaving home when I first came to ENMU in 2014. There are still some days where I still miss them, and I tend to get a little homesick, but that is because they are the backbone of my support and success in my college career. They have supported me throughout college and pushed me to where I am at today.
Are you still learning who you are?
Of course! There is still a lot I still have to learn, but ENMU has definitely helped me grow as an individual and a professional.
Celebrity crush.
My celebrity crush would have to be Adele. All my friends know that I am in love with Adele.
Your perfect date.
A perfect date would have to be going roller skating and going to a taco truck afterwards. But it can't just be any taco truck; it has to be a well-known taco truck because I am picky about the tacos I eat. And the taco truck also has to have good tasting hot sauce!
Worst fashion decision you've ever made.
It would probably have to be wearing my Sperry shoes on a rainy day. It didn't look like it was going to rain but when I got out of class it was pouring so my shoes got wet and when they dried they were just completely ruined.
How did you feel about winning? What does the crown feel like on your head?
It feels amazing but I couldn't do it without the help of my fraternity brothers (Kappa Sigma) and friends. I couldn't do it alone, and with their help, I was announced ENMU Homecoming King 2017. Wearing the crown honestly makes my head a little heavy.
What does this title mean to you? What does being an ENMU representative celebrity feel like?
Having the title of ENMU Homecoming King 2017 gives me another and final chance to give back to my University. As a graduating senior, I want to give back to my University before I walk the stage May 2018. Being an ENMU representative celebrity is all about humbling yourself and just making sure you are representing the university well and helping out to make sure everyone feels welcome at ENMU.
What sets you apart from others?
My passion and love for ENMU. I have been heavily involved in all aspects of the student life since my freshman year. I first joined ASAB as a member and later became the director thanks to the support and mentoring of several individuals in Campus Life. Later, I became involved in student government where my college career really picked up, and from there I was felt that I was barely touching the surface of ensuring my career at ENMU was a success. I gave it all I possibly could.
Are you going to keep the crown forever and show your grandchildren?
To be honest, I'll probably lose it in the process of moving after graduation because I always tend to lose stuff when moving. Hopefully, I don't so that I can keep it as a memory.
Why did you run for Homecoming King or Queen?
I decided to run for ENMU Homecoming King because, again, it was my senior year and I wanted to do something that would help me get out of my shell one last time. I wanted to do something new and exciting before graduating.
How did you prepare to run? The behind-the-scenes details, please.
Preparing behind-the-scenes seemed very easy because I had a tremendous amount of help from my fraternity, close friends, roommate and an amazing photographer, Amanda Eavenson. Without their help on social media, tabling in the cub and passing out flyers around campus, I would not have been able to do it all myself.
What was the best part?
The best part of running for homecoming would have to be my Songfest performance! My fraternity and I put endless amount of practice to be able to perfect a solid routine. Winning first place just validated the hard work and trust we put into it.
What did you learn from this experience?
To always appreciate people and who are they for you. Once again, I have to give a huge shout out to all the people who believed in me, helped me campaign and trusted in me because support to me is very important. Running for homecoming isn't an easy task, but when you have a real support system behind you, the rest is just an amazing experience.
What advice would you give to others about school? About running for king and queen?
Always stay on top of your homework assignments. I have friends that are heavily involved on campus and the one thing that saves us all is having a planner with everything in it. Having a planner is a must in college because you can never forget anything important.
Will this be the only crown you pursue?