Audit Gives ENMU Clean Bill of Health

Audit Gives ENMU Clean Bill of Health

The report encompassed all three ENMU campuses (Portales, Roswell, Ruidoso).

Out of the 449 state and local government entities audited, 14 were higher education institutions.

OSA conducts and oversees annual audits of government entities. The audits provide information regarding the financial health of government entities, highlight areas where corrective action is necessary to safeguard public tax dollars, and bring the agency into compliance with laws and regulations.

The report on ENMU audited financial statements and federal awards. No material weaknesses, significant deficiencies or materials in noncompliance were discovered.

"It takes everyone on board to make it happen," said Carol Fletcher, controller in ENMU's Business Affairs. "No findings is very uncommon, and it took a great team."

Steven Gamble, ENMU president, said, "We were gratified to receive this clean bill of health. It epitomizes the care we take to be good stewards of taxpayer money."

For more information, call Gamble at 575.562.2121.


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