Apps that Every College Student Needs

Phone with apps
Looking to create a budget or learn a new language? There’s an app for that! Shaylee Moon, an ENMU student, shares some of her favorites.

Apps that Every College Student Needs


Having good money management practices while going to college can be challenging; trust me, I know. That's why the budgeting app, Mint, should be one of your first downloads. Mint uses your information to automatically enter transactions then divide them into spending categories. Through this app, you can easily track your finances, helping you to determine the areas where you can make budget cuts. Another helpful feature of Mint is budget setting where you input the amount you want to spend each month and then you receive alerts from the app to remind you of that budget.


Venmo is a free app that makes paying and receiving money a breeze. It links your phone to your bank account, reducing the need of cash or checks when transferring money to others. My roommates and I are regular users of the app as we transfer each other money for groceries and rent. With Venmo, you have the ability to share expenses with friends, collect from people who owe you money, pay your bills and more.


Whether you are walking home or leaving a restaurant, your safety should always be a priority. With LiveSafe, students can feel secure wherever they are. LiveSafe has a feature called "Safe Walk" that uses GPS tracking so your friends and family can see your location. This section of the app allows you to alert campus officials and the local police department during situations where you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.


Whether you like it or not, group projects are a part of most college classes. While using a group messaging app can't guarantee that all members of your group will be helpful participants, it will simplify communication. The messaging app, GroupMe, was created to assist you in communicating in group chat without the need to meet in person so members of the group save time by discussing plans and ideas on their phones.


Most students will take a foreign language course at some point in their college career. If you are like me and you will need some extra help, Duolingo is where it's at. The free app has over ten languages to learn, ranging from Spanish to French. Each week, you will set a goal of what skills you want to work on, allowing users to start as beginners then move to fluent speakers.

My Fitness Pal

Many college students struggle when learning how to make time for classes while focusing on their personal health. My Fitness Pal is super helpful in tracking your diet and exercise to assist you in making informed decisions about your health. It will keep track of your exercise, calories and water intake, making it a complete service app for personal health. Whether you want to get fit or learn how eat healthier, you can adjust the app settings to fit your lifestyle and needs.


Easybib is a citation generator for all those references you need to create while writing research papers. I often forget the differences between APA and MLA, so I am an avid user of citation generators that assist you in the formatting of references. With EasyBib, you enter the citation style you need, then fill out the form provided to create a citation. Always check your references to ensure they were generated correctly.  


We use our phones for almost everything, so adding a to-do list app to your phone just makes sense. Wunderlist allows you to set regular reminders that will increase your productivity without giving you any extra work. Use this app to avoid overbooking social events with college responsibilities by entering your tasks to keep track of everything you need to do. You can even share your list with friends, family and classmates that use the app.


Every student needs an app that stores various files, and Dropbox is the one I have been using since high school. Dropbox allows you to upload documents, photos and videos in the cloud with the ability to access them online at any time, even on computers and laptops. With this app, you can reduce the strain on your phone storage while ensuring that your important information is always safe.


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