Make the Most of Winter Break

Snowman in front of the admin building
Snow Yeah: David Aguirre, who recently graduated from ENMU, provides quick ideas to be productive this holiday season.

Make the Most of Winter Break

Yes, you made it. You finished the semester and winter break has begun. What most people don't realize is how time is a great opportunity to catch-up on work and have fun at the same time. Here is a helpful checklist to stay active this break:

Career and Academic Stuff

  • Begin your internship hunt.
  • Look and apply for scholarships.
  • Assemble two interview-worthy outfits.
  • Research graduate programs and requirements.
  • Research study abroad options.
  • Get a head start reading for the spring semester.
  • Resell old textbooks.
  • Update your resume.
  • Create a LinkedIn profile.

Nitty Gritty Stuff

  • Take the car in for servicing.
  • Gather and sell old electronics.
  • Create an exercise routine.
  • Create a budget for living arrangements.
  • Work part-time.
  • Clean out your closet.
  • Restock on living essentials (snacks, toiletries, etc.) for next semester.

Fun Stuff

  • Drink hot cocoa.
  • Travel.
  • Celebrate the holidays.
  • Go out to lunch with an old friend.
  • Plan family adventures.
  • Learn to cook.
  • Spend time with younger siblings.
  • Build a snowman.
  • Visit coffee shops.
  • Finish reading your favorite non-fiction books.
  • Take a road trip with your friends.


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