Should You Bring Your Car to College?

Car at ENMU
David Aguirre, an ENMU student, shares the pros and cons of bringing a vehicle to college.

Should You Bring Your Car to College?

The fall semester starts next week! If you are new to Eastern New Mexico University, you may be asking: Should I bring my car to college?

My Answer (as a student who had to make this decision a few years ago)

Most likely. Considering the locations and proximity of restaurants and grocery stores in Portales, it could be somewhat of a long distance for some people.

Here's Why

It will make life easier for you. You will have the opportunity to go anywhere in town and Clovis. It's so handy to go to Walmart when you need to, and it is super helpful if you want to take someone on a nice date. Another reason to bring a vehicle to campus is to visit home on the weekends or take fun road trips with your friends.

Hold on a Minute

Having a car could make you lethargic. Instead of walking to class from your dorm room, you'll find that driving will make it faster and requires less work. As I have learned from the past, allow your car to be an essential resource for your college success instead of luxury to accommodate your comfortability. Not using your vehicle except only when needed will help you to be less dependable with it. It could be a way for you to save money on gas and discipline yourself to get your daily exercise as you walk to class.

Okay, So Maybe You Don't Have a Car

For those of you that could not bring your car to the campus, don't worry! There are ways to get by without it. In my first year at ENMU, I have had friends that didn't have a vehicle with them, and they survived. Here's what you can do: make friends with people who do have one. The people you meet and later ending up becoming friends with could have access to a car or knows someone who does. When I brought my car to college, I took my friends to the grocery store many times. In return, they were kind enough to help me with gas money. We helped each other.

Other Alternatives

Owning a bicycle is an alternative to a car. It is very convenient to have on campus, and it's not far to ride to stores like Dollar Tree and Dollar General. It's also a big money saver because you don't have to worry about gas or any mechanical issues you may run into as the semester goes on. For the record, I have close friends who ride their bike more than they drive their car. So it is possible to survive without a car, plus it is great exercise!


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