Former ENMU Student Makes a Difference as Watershed Coordinator in San Juan Area

Jenna Wethington

Former ENMU Student Makes a Difference as Watershed Coordinator in San Juan Area

Jenna Wethington graduated from Eastern New Mexico University in 2020 with a bachelor's in Environmental Science and Wildlife & Fisheries Science.  After graduating, Jenna started working at the San Juan Soil & Water Conservation District for San Juan County, as the Watershed Coordinator. Jenna's job includes overseeing planning and implementation of water quality improvement, and projects for all current state and federal grants. She is the, "go-to person for all elements of the project" Jenna said. Jenna chose her field of study because she, "wanted to learn how the natural world works, to understand how humans interact with the environment and live more sustainably."

jenna wethington fishJenna is from San Juan County and chose to attend ENMU because, "I wanted a quality education, at an affordable cost." Jenna enjoyed the small class sizes and being able to connect with professors one on one. Dr. Constantopoulos was one of her biggest mentors while in school. "I am grateful to Dr. C for sharing his experience, expertise, and wisdom in the hardest classes I've had to date" Jenna remarked. While attending Eastern, Jenna received and maintained many scholarships which allowed her to attend Eastern for six years and receive both of her majors.

Jenna is currently working on two grants for the New Mexico Environmental Department. The grants focus on Animas, New Mexico's watershed by focusing on source pollution as well as sedimentation. Some other dreams that Jenna has is to continue her education by going to graduate school, as well as getting a doctorate in Environmental Science. Jenna also wants to bring awareness to issues that Native Americans experience living on the reservation. Jenna enjoys fly fishing, hiking, and kayaking along the San Juan River.

Jenna wants students that are interested in her field of study to remember, "That you are not alone and take advantage of campus resources." Jenna has been able to make a difference in her home state of New Mexico because of the opportunities that Eastern gave her.

jenna wethington group


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